Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

400 merkins divided by two is 200 per day


20 men came out to see if we could really go 45 minutes and do ZERO merkins.  The short answer is….well no.  Lab Rat kept his end of the deal though, and none were on the Weinke.   And now, for the rest of the story:

-Modified parking lot tracers

-COP: SSH, IW, DQ, Arm Circles, 5 burpees OYO (while yes, it does contain a merkin, it is actually not a merkin.  The 5 do count towards the challenge though, so your welcome.), LBC’s

-Human Steeplechase:  In teams of ten each, leap frog down the soccer fields jumping over each pax member to the other side.  Al Gore for the six.  Going back, go under each pax to the other end.  Al Gore for the six.  One last time, alternating over/under to the end.  You guessed it, Al Gore for the six.

-Big Ass Lindsay:  Around the block stopping at each corner for ascending/descending exercises:  Monkey Humpers (Marv) and Russian Twists (Goldberg).  Start/finish at Cary and Commonwealth.

Mary:  Freddie Mercury’s and Rosalita’s


-You know what the worst part of Q’ing is for YHC?  When people start making fun of the Q and I cant be in on it because I have to call cadence!  A rowdy COP this morning that Lab Rat would totally have loved to be in on…and I missed most of what was said….bummer.

-Much groaning was heard during the Human Steeplechase….which is funny, because I personally LOVE this routine.  Rarely do I get to make it all the way thru because it takes so frigging long to complete.  We did this first this morning to make sure we got thru all three rounds.

-The term “Steeplechase” comes from the origination in Ireland, where the races would be run from church steeple to church steeple across the natural and man made landscape.  Just a fun fact.

-Marv was up near DaVille for some VCU business last night, so Lab Rat, Toro and M went up to drop in on him.  We started kicking around some merkin-less ideas and he threw out the monkey humpers idea.  Lindsays was a perfect way to work them in.  Sunday when you are still feeling those, please think of him.

Upon completion of the Lindsays while in plank, many pax members started doing merkins.  OK, reverse plank it is!  Now all you can do is dips.  YHC did his best, but people are going to do what they are going to do.  Of course, it was a joke saying that no merkins done during 45 MOM would count for the challenge.  Lighten up, people!

Sugar Sock in the dark looks like a very buff Doner Kebalb.  That’s all.

Flashdance needs a recommendation on a weather app that will recommend workout attire.  I think he was wearing mittens and galoshes.

Announcements:  Be thinking of how the men of F3 can serve our community next year.  Breaking Bread, Sportables, food banks?  What can we do that will draw out the pax in order to serve?  Contact Lab Rat with your ideas.

Apology of the Week goes out to the poor soul in your family has to clean out the nasty showers from the steeplechase.  For that, I sincerely apologize.  #Gross


Lab Rat Apologizes…


About Author

Need somebody to talk incessantly during a long run? Ask you questions while you are gasping for breath? I'm your guy.


  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Good Q Labrat ! Way to work guys..
    Not sure why I am always in the same line as Bleeder during the steeple chase – over under – human centipede – whatever the heck it is cause he always seems to lift me up off the ground and sling me off onto the ground all while laughing hysterically at me…..
    See y’all in the gloom

  2. In the light, I might resemble a fat and slow DK. Either I had many more beers, much less working out, or both through my 30’s. Great Q! See ya in the gloom.

  3. Good Q today Labrat! I liked the field workout.

    Who is this Flashdance that you speak of? You mean the cat burglar who emerged from the shadows on que for arm circles?

  4. Much fun was had today….the time flew by. Thank you for the (virtual) respite from merkins today Lab Rat.

    To Swirly: It was definitely a Steeplechase… The term ‘human centipede’ is what almost resulted when BT crawled-up behind Flashdance too quickly.

  5. Good fun -LB Rat – sorry to whoever it was that I kicked in the ass going over. Apparently I can’t control where my feet go.

    For a merkinless workout I did pretty good getting in 50…

  6. For those in need of a workout weather app I hear that Hampton Roads has one that’s pretty reliable….

  7. Nice work Lab Rat! The steeplechase Swirly extracise, Swirly just be happy I don’t run a tire over you, Lab Rat has had that privilege.