Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



7 fearless men, including 1 FNG, broke free from the fartsack, shook off the post-Halloween cobwebs and posted to SOT to start off No Shave November (or MOvember) right with a little themed beatdown.  YHC’s back was not cooperating but we pushed through….literally.  This is how it went down:

Mosey to the front of the school for COP (all IC), including:

  • Merkins x15
  • SSHs x20
  • SLOW DQs x10
  • Imperial Walkers x15
  • LBCs x20
  • Merkins x10

Mosey to the basketball courts to begin our theme – S-T-A-C-H-E

S = Suicides

3 rounds of suicides – regular, backward and side shuffle

T = Tammy Wynette

Partner up and together complete 200 merkins and 200 squats as follows – 1 partner is doing merkins while the other is doing squats.  Partner doing the squats calls the tempo cadence for both (3 counts going down and up on the 4th count).  After 10 reps switch.  After each partner has completed 10 merkins and 10 squats – that is 1 round.  Complete 10 rounds so each person completed individually 100 merkins and 100 squats.

A = Alabama Prom Dates

Just as the name suggests – complete 20 in cadence

C – Curb Crawls

Mosey over to the side of the school and use the curb of the bus loop for curb crawls – bear crawl forward to the opposite curb and perform 1 incline merkin; crawl bear back and do 2 decline merkins.  Up to 5 and back down to 1 (25 total merkins – 175 for the day for those keeping count).

H = Howling Monkeys

Circle up on the sidewalk and grab your ankles and pass around the monkey humpers Ring of Fire style – 10 and pass (howl after #10 optional but all PAX members indulged).  2 rounds around the circle and the dogs were BARKING!

E = Elevens (Merkins (of course) and 2-count Freddy Mercuries)

Customary round of elevens, performing the merkins at one end of the sidewalk and the FMs at the other end by the big tree.  Run in between. (55 Merkins – up to 230 total)

Mosey back to the Flag for 20 merkins OYO for good measure and a cool 250 for the day.

COT, number-rama, name-a-rama and YHC took us out.



It was a great start to the monthly merkin challenge and a kickoff for the various folks taking a month long shave vacation.  Great to have Cerrano (FNG – Colin) out today and way to push through the merkin-heavy workout.  Cerrano is another New Market guy so the Emerging Nano Region of New Market keeps growing.  He has some Cleveland ties – thus the name.  Jobu was a solid second choice.

Get those merkins in fells (and don’t forget to breathe)

No more Gumbo for you


About Author


  1. Great way to start the month of November Gumbo! Strong work by all, welcome Cerrano, NM is exploding! Also TwinTeam Q for Friday is now vacant, Honeymoon had travel plans come up, if someone wants it, its yours.

  2. Thanks for getting us off to a good start on the merkin challenge. I hope to see some New Market names on that list too.
    Welcome Cerrano.

  3. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Well done – dudes – looks like a solid beatdown for sure – take care of that back Gumbo !
    See y’all in the gloom..