This morning was reminiscent of going to church growing up. You had the faithful never late, the fast walker, the five minute runner and the one who never showed up. Can you remember the excuses for the one who never showed up? Stayed up to late, went to bed to late, the client wouldn’t go home, it was an unusual Friday night and even tried to blame it on a fellow F3 member… We love you Night Crawler. We even thought about face timing you for the pregame on top of Mount Trashmore. It just would’t be the same without you. I guess your on deck for the pregame again this week. You better get your game together… Earthworm and Cecil are back in town.
25 -SSH
20- DQ
20- Helicopters
10 – Arm Circles in the typical way
10- Standing Box cutters 10 each leg
10- Merkins (Two Count)
20 – LBC
Some basic stretching with Boat Canoe and the bird dog pose.
No mosey just a stay on the parking lot tarmac.
Dora #1
Partner up, first partner runs length of the parking lot while second partner does exercises, total as a team
Exercise 1 – 100 Swings with Kettlebell
Exercise 2 – 200 Lawnmowers with Kettlebell switching arms when needed
Exercise 3 – 300 Squats with Kettlebell, Modified to 200
Mosey over to the Football Field
4 Corners
10 -20-30-40 Merkins
10-20-30-40 WWI/II
10-20-30-40 APD’s
10-20-30-40 Flutter Kicks (Two Count)
Back to the Tarmac
Dora #2
Exercise 1 -100 Snatches with Kettlebell
Exercise 2 – 200 Sit & Presses with Kettlebell
Exercise 3 – 200 Heels to Heaven with Kettlebell as Anchor
Most of the mumble chatter was focused around the precision of WWI or WWII’s Johnsonville wanted to make it him against the PAX’s so he was first to critique our form. During the bird dog pose Attila was quick to notice that YHC couldn’t get his bionic left knee of the tarmac. I hope the PAX got enough running in this morning, it always a pleasure to work your core and upper torso.
1 Comment
Nice work fellas.