14 members (including one young lady) of the Mechanicsville Davillians put on their uniforms and tall sports shoe to participate in a F3 version of the World Series
This is how it went down:
Mosey around the church for our traditional warm up lap
- 30 – SSH (for the 30 MLB teams)
- 10 – Cherry Pickers (for the 10 playoff teams)
- 8 – Crab Cakes (for the 8 teams in the divisional series)
- 4 – OYO Merkins (for the 4 teams in the league championship series)
Mosey to the pavilion and the picnic benches
- 2 mintues of step ups (for the 2 teams in the World Series)
- 1 OYO Burpee
World Series Trivia
The PAX answered a series of questions about WS history and facts. If the PAX got the questions right everyone did one Burpee. If they got it wrong, the PAX would have to run to the opposite end of the parking lot and back then complete 5 Burpees. Questions were as follows:
- Won has won the most World Series titles and how many?
- Who has the 2nd most titles?
- What year was the first series held and who won it?
- What team was accused of throwing the series in 1919?
- In what year did an earthquake accrue during the series?
- Which two teams have never made it to the World Series?
Mosey to the field
Break up into teams of three or fours (one 2.0 per group) total of four groups.
Field of Dreams
1s start at First Base (1st cone) do AMRAP Squats until relieved. 2s at Second Base (2nd cone) do AMRAP Merkins until relieved. 3s at Third Base (3rd cone) do AMRAP LBC’s until relieved. 4s at Home Plate (4th cone) will perform 15 Burpees then run to First, relieving the Pax there. Continue until all Pax have done the Burpees.
F3 Baseball
Staying in the same groups, teams must complete a cumulative number of reps of different exercise at each base. 112 team merkins (for the number of WS that have been held) at first, 112 team squats at second, 112 team crab cakes at 3rd, 25 team burpees at home. Each time a team passes the base it started on, it gets a point. Team with the most points after 10 minutes wins. (Since the teams were uneven we didn’t keep count)
Mosey back to the SF for Ring of Fire, Numberama, Namerama, Wheelie took us out.
YHC is a big fan of baseball and couldn’t pass up a WS theme. Since winning the WS is a team effort most exercises today were done as a team.
Things got started for the normal pre game mumble chatter including Emjoi asking YHC if he had slept in the AO last night and wondering if we final have The Carpenter join us this week.
Highlighters from today:
- Emoji showed up in a different vehicle everything day this week
- Despite the cooler weather, we had 5 2.0’s show up this morning
- The PAX needs to brush up on their WS trivia since they only got 2 out of 6 correct
- Wheelie was unsuccessful in completing a “Who on first” sketch (could have used some help for No Idea)
- Spike was a beast at F3 baseball since he had 2 2.0’s on his team
- Hampton Roads 1 year anniversary coming up on Nov 11th. See preblast
- All men’s 4 miler in C-Ville on Nov 12th. Here is the link to learn more: https://www.mensfourmiler.com/
Great job fellas! For those that weren’t there, you are welcome to leave your answers to the trivia in the comments (beware you must also do burpees if you get them wrong).
Great Q Spit! I learned more about baseball today than in the last few decades. AND my quads hurt. Great to see the 2.0s working it hard in the wet 39-degree grass!