Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Lightning Crashes


Thunder and Lightning and the late downpour didn’t stop 6 brave souls from making it out to SOT this morning.

The Thang:

SSH x 20

Copperhead Squats x 15

Arm Circles – Welcome McRib (Lifo)



Mosey to Track

Track Style 11’s

1 Carolina Dry Dock run 100, 10 WWIIs run 100, continue around track 100s at  time….Complete the 11s, total 5 laps around the track


Lunge halfway 50 yards

Triple Check – Run 50 yards and back, Dips, Flutter Kicks

Mosey to Tennis courts – 2 rounds of 4 corners

Round one – 10 Merkins, 20 Monkey Humpers, 30 LBCs, 40 SSHs

Round two – 10 Burpees, 20 Monkey Humpers, 30 LBSc, 40 SSHs

Circle up – Burpee Ring of Fire

Back to the Flag

Numberama, Namearama, Wilson Took us out!


It was a morning filled with thoughts of the rain could hit at any minute with the numerous thunder and lightning combos the PAX experienced this morning.  The track 11s were new and of course Rosie, Honeymoon, and McRib shot out of their cannon and crushed them.  Wilson, Beaker and YHC crushed them as well, all the while Wilson convincing YHC why running sucks, especially when its lightning.  With 10 mins to go, the rain finally arrived just in time to make sure any body part that was not wet, certainly did not stay that way.  Great work by all today, honor to lead this group as always.  Also great to see Beaker back out representing New Market for the 3rd time in just 7 days, great work!



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  1. Reminder: 2nd Hour Double Dog October 21st. Push yourself, don’t hurt yourself.

    To quote TYA,”People like hard stuff.”