15 middle aged wannabe rock stars fought off the grip of the fartsack to run (or bike) into the darkness at Mary Munford this morning. Upchuck took the Q for RAMM Gears and YHC was in charge of RAMM. Here’s what happened, more or less:
Everyone mosey west on Grove and take a left on Roslyn, then a right on Stratford Crescent, cross Cary St, and continue south on Ampthill. Take a right at the bottom of the hill (at the Manoli Loupassi sign) and continue on Paxton back up the hill, cross Cary St. heading north where Paxton turns into Tuckahoe Blvd, then take a left and head west on Grove. 4 milers turn right on Granite, then right on Patterson and right on Westmoreland to return to the SF. 5 milers take a right on Maple, and then right on Patterson to follow the 4 milers back to the flag. There were no six milers today, but if there had been, they would have continued running to Three Chopt, gone right up to St. Cristophers, take another right and go north to Patterson, take a right and follow the 4 and 5 miler routes back to the SF.
NM: As most F3 regulars know, YHC does not make it to many workouts during the week anymore, given my Baltimore work location. Having said that, this is the first time I have ever been to a RAMM workout where the riders outnumbered the runners. The official count was 6 runners and 9 riders. The route for the runners took us down towards the James and back up a pretty good hill, before heading down Grove and back on Patterson on more famiiar turf.
The runners seemed to be sweatier post workout than the riders, so not sure what route the riders took, but the rumor was that Upchuck took them on a tour of Westham before stopping at Starbucks for a latte.
Convergence tomorrow at Gridiron with workouts at 6 and 7. See Hardywood’s pre-blast if you want breakfast on site after the second workout. NO DOGPILE WORKOUT TOMORROW.
There will be some type of get together at Lab Rat’s hacienda following the convergence. Start time around 10am. Beer will be provided, in some fashion. There will also be cornhole boards there.
Prayers for EF Hutton’s family as his father in law passed this week following a stroke.
It’s always a pleasure to lead you men into the gloom. Well done out there today!
Loved the route- and having Fuddski with us on a Friday !
Way to push it fella’s !
See y’all in the gloom..
Being a runner, I feel that I am an outlier on the bag balm thing…..I have never felt like I needed it. One RAMM ride in, and I could use about 3 fingers worth on my taint!
It was loads of fun hanging with the RAMM guys this morning! It was a great route by UpChuck (thanks for the coffee), and special thanks to No Tools for loaning me a steed….even though I know he doesnt read these. A great change of pace from the months of running.
If it helps, your suffering-taint has brought me a long needed laugh, and an image that I will haunt me through the day.
I trust you will provide it with adequate care and attention.
Good to see Clavin back out in the Gloom!
Lab Rat- Think you just named your homebrew batch for this weekend- Sore Ass.
Fudd, UpChuck, Thanks for the visionary Tuckoahoe takedown leadership this morning, Lab Rat, a change of pace and suddenly you are in need of Bag Balm? Thanks Gearing today!
Great question, Fudd. The official route today, for the 9 studs who turned out, was as follows (no official post due to time constraints):
West on Grove to Libbie. Right on Libbie. Left into parking lot behind Starbuck’s. Stash bikes behind dumpster. Go into Starbuck’s. Drink coffee until 6:05 a.m. Remount bikes. Libbie to Patterson. Pass runners on Patterson. Right on Westhampton or Commonwealth (riders choice) and back to the flag.
Great work today, fellas.
Actual route…for future reference…
West on Grove, right on access road prior to Three Chopt, left from Three Chopt onto Towana, which becomes Campus. Left onto Boatright (sorry, Clavin, about the cobblestones…), which becomes College.
Follow College to the end, and then left onto River Road, right onto Highland Road, then slight left onto Old Bridge.
At stop sign, turn right onto Westham Station, and climb, climb, climb up South Ridge to South Westham. Cross River Road onto Westham Parkway, and climb, climb, climb…take a right onto Patterson Avenue, then right again onto either Westhampton or Commonwealth (Rider’s Choice) to Mary Munford.
Just under 11 miles.
YHC’s hat is off to Clavin, who rode with a bandage around his broken ribs. “It’s really hard to breathe, but I guess if I puncture a lung, I’ll get more oxygen in there.”
Hmmm. Is that how that works?