Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Tour deTuckahoe


A fine 9 came out today for a run and left with so much more: Tour deTuckahoe!

We kept the group together with the leads doubling back to the 6.  Along the lake, up to the baseball field/Robins Center and climb the hill to the wooded trail cut through.  We then made our way to our Pax’s residences and performed the following in front.

Stop 1 – Taxi Cab’s house – LBCs

Stop 2 – Toga’s house – Merkins with perfect form

Stop 3 – Two Can’s – WWII

Stop 4 – Upchuck – Don Quixote

Stop 5 – Ronnie – APDs

Stop 6 – Marv – Spell Lally Construction

Stop 7 – Pelosi 5-0 – Freddy Mercuries

Stop 8 – Bunny Slope – Imperial Walkers

Stop 9 – Lockjaw – SSH

Stop 10 – Pucker – American Hammers

Stop 11 – Fudd – Monkey Humpers

Mosey through the woods and around the lake to the SF.

Two Can took us out.


There was a stop 12 in mind with Saab’s house, but time and the safety on that part of River could jeopardize the well being of the Pax.  We will save it for next time.

Speaking of time, just as we arrived at Upchuck’s, he emerged from the backdoor and came out to say hi.  He was not dressed to workout, rather for a trip to Miami.

Speaking of Miami, TYA arrived looking like he just came back from the dog races in Miami.  Khaki pants, button up shirt, and a bow tie.  If he had run like that he wold have won the Tuckahoe Challenge of the day.  Instead, that honor went to Bleeder for wearing a collared polo shirt. Having the foresight (or experience?) to apply bag balm to his face to avoid “collar flap chafe” shows why he is the Spider Run Tuckahoe Challenge Champ.


  • Convergence this weekend.  See Hardywood’s post regarding breakfast options.  Sign up if you want food.
  • Keep EF Hutton and his family in your thoughts.




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  1. Lockjaw is killing this tapering thing with River Run and Spider Run back to back. Did TYA where the spandex cooling suit underneath the Don Johnson attire?

  2. Not sure how to interpret the choice of APDs at Chez Ronnie but I will take it as a sincere compliment (though I attended prom in Texas, not Alabama).

  3. Nice to see you gentlemen this morning.

    I was kinda hoping Big Data would credit me with LIFO status.