A foursome gathered at the clubhouse of Quoccasin Country Club for today’s iteration of Heartbreak Ridge. Circle up for some tea and crumpets before departing for the workout. Mosey past the driving range to bypass a typical warmup and start out with something like this:
SSH x20
Helicopters x10
Knee Hugs x10
Don Quixote x10
APDs x15
The Thang
Mosey towards the large grassy field to start the day off with a round of golf. We played 3 holes.
First hole was a 400yd Par 4. Run the length of a football field (100yds or so) and complete 20 merkins, run back 100yds and complete 20 squats, 100 yards more for 20 mountain climbers, 100 yards more for 10 burpees. Plank until the PAX completes.
Second hole was a long 200yd Par 3, slightly into the wind. Run 100yds for 20 merkins then 100 more yards for 10 squats. Plank until the PAX completes.
Third hole was a challenging 500yd Par 5. 100 yards, 20 merkins, 100 yards, 20 squats, 100 yards, 20 mountain climbers, 100 yards, 10 burpees, 100 yards, 20 LBCs. LBCs until the PAX completes.
Saunter towards the tennis courts for an afternoon doubles match. Line up on sideline and complete suicide, touching each doubles alley and stopping at the sideline after each leg for an exercise. Progressively increase exercise count from 15/30/40 with each leg. Exercises were:
Set 1 – 15 shoulder tap merkins, 30 lunges, 40 flutter kicks
Set 2 – 15 hand release merkins, 30 donkey kicks, 40 LBCs
Set 3 – 15 wide grip merkins, 30 jump squats, 40 american hammers
Set 4 – 15 carolina dry docks, 30 calf raises, 40 LBCs
Set 5 – 15 diamond merkins, 30 line hops, 40 flutter kicks
Variations of plank, al gore, peoples chair, 6 inches until the PAX completes between sets.
Quick jaunt back to the flag for 2 rounds of ring of fire. Ten merkins per round.
Number-rama, name-a-rama, YHC took us out.
YHC was expecting a somewhat larger crowd for HBR considering the recent trend. We ended up with 4 which was a perfect fit for the theme of the day. Things you do at a country club. YHC was the only participant that would have been allowed on the course today, sporting a collared shirt and golf shorts.
Kudos to Atilla and Mr Holland who crushed the 3 hole circuit. Those 100yd sprints didn’t get any easier as we did more of them and you guys crushed them.
YHC can only assume the rest of the regular PAX were visiting other venues on Theme Tuesday.
– Convergence Saturday @ 6&7 @ Gridiron. No dogpile Saturday.
– If you want breakfast after convergence see here to order breakfast. No order, no food.
– Prayers continue for EF Hutton and his family.
Splinter out
Freaken Beautiful !
Solid Q for what I think is Splinter’s first post to HBR
Great themed beatdown. Always great when a plan and the PAX-number comes together
Not the first and definitely not the last. Plenty of options at that AO
Unfortunately we ran out of time and couldn’t get to the horse races. Maybe next time.
Looks like fun. Nice work gents.