Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Celestial Navigation


A magnificent 7 showed up for a surprise Lockjaw Q as part of Tuckahoe Takeover.  The route took us across the road to Twin Team, on Brigstock, a few minor turns, and back to Brigstock for the home approach down Twin Team.  No one got lost for very far.

YHC took us out.


YHC plotted this route without consulting a topographical map nor realizing how truly dark it is out here.  When Lugnut arrived, YHC went over the intended route and it was conveyed that this was the unintended 9 mile route earlier in the summer.  As the rest of the Pax arrived, there was alarm from Honeymoon that I was confirming with Lugnut and making gestures in the southern direction.  I guess he hasn’t forgotten the extra miles?

Gumbo and Rosie said that Twin Team would be a treat.  Hills in darkness can be beneficial when you just embrace the road and go.  However, it can also play into thoughts of a never ending ascent, as Twin Team readily provided.  Sustained hill repeats here would rival the toughest hills across all AOs in RVA.

With minimal light pollution, the fall night sky was remarkable.  Orion was very crisp and radiant as well as many other constellations.  I am pretty sure I navigated back to Twin Team using the North Star at one point.

It was great getting to know Lugnut a little better over the course of several miles today.




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  1. I like the new alternative route. Damn it was dark though and Twin Team right off the top was a killer as always. Great job guys. And, thanks for coming SOJ Lockjaw and Swiper.

  2. Great to get a new leader out there to show us a new route. We are slowly teaching Honeymoon the roads around RiverRun. He’ll do one of these soon enough without getting lost. At least it was only 5.8 miles instead of 9 today.

  3. I get the feeling Lockjaw likes to push you a little further than you intended but with the best intentions. Had this one clocked at 5.4 miles. Great job, thanks for coming out LJ and Swiper.