A sweaty seven started the weekend out at Gridiron as Day 1 of Tuckahoe Takeover went out west to Short Pump. 65 degrees and sunny with no football, we had the AO to ourselves and took advantage:
COP – SSH, Merkins, Don Qs, Flutterkicks, Helicopters, Invisible Jump Ropes (switch to imaginary half-way through) then mosey to far lane for Curb Crawls. Up to 7. Run to field in front of school, Inchworm half way across field, then head to front of school for 3 sets of: Donkey Kicks & run circle. Back to field for few minutes of Mary.
Head to covered area down the back: Totem Pole run with PAX holding 6 inches while last man does 3 Heels 2 Heaven. Head down to basketball court while Cricket players start warming up. Merkin ladder, 5 merkins at each hook, 5 up to 20. 2 round though. Then 3 sets of 6 Pull Ups.
Head up to shaded field for Burpee Escalator- 8 Burpees 1 min, keep going up 4 minutes up to 11 Burpees, head back to flag and Atilla took us out.
NMS – YHC started the PAX off on the initial mosey and almost pulled a VIral, as YHC was starting to plan out the next few exercises with the dreaded 7 man PAX number, ran straight into the footfall field rope. White Deer must not have been awake yet as he had little to say, very unusual for him.
Good to have Nightcrawler show up on time right as we got started and nice to have Alpo make the drive down from Fredericksburg again. When YHC called for Curb Crawls the PAX looked confused, apparently those do not happen much out at Gridiron. Jville pushed the pax today, out in front on everything.
Mumblechatter was very appropriate for Tuckahoe, ranging from topics of mortgage bankers to lawyer referrals, even without Earthworms acerbic banter.
Announcements – Good luck to TYA, Hardywood, and Lab Rat tonight. Convergence next week.