28 veterans and one unsuspecting FNG fought off the lure of the fartsack to help YHC celebrate a milestone birthday at Dogpile today. Here’s how it went down:
Mosey in front of the Carillon to the more distant grassy circle for disclaimer and COP:
Mexican x 15
Don Quixote x 10
LBC x 40
Side Lunge x 15
Mosey down the hill, down Pump House Drive to the Pipe where YHC inspected the Pipe Loop to find it pitch black dark. Mosey to the hill next to the toll booth on the Nickel Bridge for the first installation of today’s theme……a Pirate (Fudd) looks at 40. Partner carries.
Triple Check Partner Carries up the hill to the indicated trees. Each PAX takes a turn carrying his partner up the designated hill, then the team splits 40 Mericans and 40 copperhead squats between them. 3 rounds.
Mosey to the bridge for the second theme. Fudd loves the beauty that can be found in nature. Mosey south across the bridge, lunging for 10 steps at each lightpost and then moseying the rest of the way to the next lighpost. Rinse and repeat until the lead PAX gets to Riverside Drive. Turn around and pick up the rest of the PAX as you return. 10 LBC’s per light post all the way back to the toll gate.
Mosey to the Carillon for theme #3, honoring those who have come before and those who have given their lives to defend our freedom. 9 Mericans at the flower pots, run up the Carillon steps and do 18 2 count mountain climbers, run down the opposite steps. Rinse and repeat 3 times.
Jailbreak back to the Shovel Flag for Numberama, Namerama, BOM and prayer.
Naked Moleskin:
YHC spent a fair amount of time considering the theme for today’s workout. It was the first beatdown of many for the designated TT “Tuckahoe Takeover” week which surprisingly enough, has its own Twitter feed (@TuckahoeTakove). After doing exhaustive research on Wikipedia, YHC unearthed that the origin of the word Tuckahoe is American Indian. The relative translation is, a “bulbous root that can be cut up and eaten”. YHC didn’t like that for a theme, so he went with Plan B, which is a themed workout styled after his 40th birthday, which is tomorrow. YHC was confused when he arrived at the parking lot to find several PAX members dressed in Polo or Vineyard Vines shirts (blue) and matching salmon colored, or khaki, shorts with either boat shoes (Splinter), sandals (Offshore), or running shoes (smart man EF Hutton). YHC did not get the memo to wear preppy clothes, thankfully, and appeared sporting standard F3 athletic fair.
The first evolution was partner carries up a hill. Each of us has been forced to face adversity and climb mountains that we might have otherwise walked around. Fudd’s life has been no different. But there have sometimes been brothers there to help me along the way, and the partner carries were meant to symbolize that. Swirly and Gomer Pyle led the way on that one…..way to crush it fellas.
The second evolution took us to Fudd’s favorite place in Dogpile. The bridge. Fudd longs for and dreams about the beautiful places of this world. When I behold the majesty of our country’s natural beauty, I cannot help but feel compelled to talk with God and tell Him how thankful I am for such places. The Phonics, Helix, and Shakedown lead the way on this evolution. Way to push yourselves boys. YHC noticed that Splinter shed the boat shoes on this evolution. He commented that he had counted on not doing too much running when choosing said footwear for today’s beatdown. Alas, YHC likes to run, and this was my birthday beatdown, so we ran. It was also on this evolution that Wilson did a flying EH on FNG Milton while he was on a job across the bridge. Good job Wilson……way to use the railings to corner him into accepting your invitation!
Mosey to the Carillon of the third evolution of Fudd’s reflection on history. Honor those who have come before, on who’s shoulders we stand, and honor and remember those who fought and died so that we may live free. The Carillon was built as a memorial to WW1, a war in which 9 million combatants died. Swirly and Sippy Cup smoked this evolution. Great job fellas.
The tunnel of love was the fourth evolution that we didn’t have time for, meant to symbolize the importance of family and friends to YHC. The men of F3RVA have become part of my family. I can’t imagine a better birthday present than to be able to lead you into the gloom for an epic beatdown that makes us all stronger. God bless you all.
Happy birthday Fudd. Way to push us through the gloom. Still feeling those bridge lunges.
Happy Birthday Fudd!
Well done Fudd. Way to kick off TT.
If you live your next 40 like your previous 40 the world will be a better place.
Happy birthday, Fudd! Love that the boys prepped it up for you.
Happy birthday, Fudd. Thanks for your leadership and example.
Happy bday fudd. No more hate
Thanks fellas for the birthday wishes, but also for this brotherhood that means so much to me.
Fudd, I always hate your Q’s but am thankful I attend! Happy birthday brother! No more hate!
Happy birthday brother. Thanks for the great Q.
Atta Boy Fuddski – solid Q – Happy Birthday Buddy – no more hate !