13 Davillians arrived ready to roll on this humid September morning to participate in another addition of The Creek. The Q sheet was empty until yesterday afternoon so a hot potato Q plan was put into action.
This is how it went down
Spit’s Q
ReeseStrong start: 25 Merkins and 25 Squats OYO
Mosey around the front of the parking lot to the grassy area around the flag pole
- Invisible Jump rope
- Hillbillies
- DQ
- Helicopters
- LBC’s
- Flutter Kicks
- Merkins
- Arm Circle
Opus’ Q
Mosey to the pavilion
Triple Check (on the picnic tables) – Skull Crushes, Dips, decline merkins (three sets each)
Emoji’s Q
Mosey back to the parking lot
Curb crawls: Bear crawl to one side complete 10 incline Merkins, crab walk back complete 10 curb dips. Rinse and repeat for another set
Four Corners: 10 Jump Squats, 10 LBC’s, 10 Burpees, 10 Merkins
Spike’s Q
Parking lot Subsides: run to and back each median; complete WWII Sit-ups. Sets were 5, 10, and 15 reps
Rounders’ Q
Indian Run around the field while completing high knees and butt kicks on Q’s command. Circle up in the pavilion and complete 500 raid boxers? (not sure of the name)
Q was given back to the YHC to mosey to the SF for 3 to 4 MOM. Exercises were Freddie Mercury’s, AL Prom Date, Rosalita, gas pump, and 6 inches
Numberama, Namerama, Chowdah took us out.
It was good to change things up a little bit with a hot potato. Gave us the opportunity to see some not so regular Q’s (Emoji and Spike) and a VQ for Rounders. YHC arrived at the AO around 5:16 thinking he would be alone for at least 10 minutes. Most of the PAX seems to be ready to go showing up only a few minutes after YHC
Around 5:28 The Carpenter was no were to be found. Opus had texted him earlier and share the following response.
Opus: Are you up?
The Carpenter: “Yes, puppy”.
This would explain his LIFO post today showing up around a 1/4 the way through the COP.
When the PAX was starting Emoji’s Q. All the parking lot lamps decided to go off a the same time. This made bear crawls a little harder and the groons could be heard in the next county.
Glad to have Rounders get a little VQ today. The PAX got a little taste of a what is to come.
Glad to have a few our 2.0 back in the PAX after the start of the school year! Hope to see even more next week.
- Reesestrong 5k tomorrow morning – Kid’s run at 8:30 and 5k at 8:55. We are up 63 on the F3 team. You can still register the day of the race.
- Convergence on 9/30 – come out at 6:00, stay until 8:00 if you can. Second workout starts at 7:00 for late risers. Bring a friend or two.
- Next week will The Creek’s first anniversary – Start EHing now so we have our largest PAX ever!!
Great Job to all those that stepped up to Q today! Looking forward to next week!!
Really Really good Hot Potato Q this morning! I am spent. CAn’t wait for the first Rounders led workout. May need to call an ambulance afterwards. Next week, we need a boatload of people there!
The Carpenter’s text was Yes, I have a puppy, and I have to take care of it”.
I wanted his text to be: “Yes, and you are my little puppy.” This is how I read it first, and is much better than the truth.
I totally agree!
Great Hot Potato Q! Way to go 2.0s! you little puppies. Can’t believe a week from today is the one-year anniversary of the Creek! Everyone bring someone. lets break the record. Loved Rounders’ impromptu Q 500 rapid fire boxing punches. Lats are spent.
My LIFO status had nothing to do with the new dog. My body went on red alert and I had to go to the bathroom BIG TIME on the drive over. I located a port-o-john in an out of the way location and took care of business so I wouldn’t blow up during the workout. THAT would have redefined “hot potato” for a workout… I think that is an acceptable reason for the LIFO…