Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Follow the Light


Five giants of the gloom posted at Timberwolf on this mildly humid and at times misty morning and YHC had a plan for bringing some light to the gloom – it went something like this:

Mosey to the front of school near the bus loop for COP, including:

  • SSHs x20 IC
  • Don Quixotes x10 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x15 IC
  • Arm Circles x15 (10 small, 5 big) forward and backward IC
  • Imperial Walkers x15 IC


Ladder of Light Poles

There are nicely 10 light poles around the large parking lot and bus loop.  When the PAX toured the AO a couple weeks ago YHC noticed this perfect number for a ladder.  So it shall be done…  1 Burpee at the first light pole, run to next, 2 Burpees, run to next 3 Burpees….and so on for an opening heart-pumper with 55 Burpees.

Al Gore for the six and then catch our breath with a little Mary – LBCs, Hello Dollies, APDs

Time to go down the ladder — and right as the groans started with the unfathomable thought of 55 more Burpees…. YHC had buried the lead – we are doing monkey humpers on the way down – 10, 9, 8…1. WHEW!

No need to plank for the six as all 5 beasts stuck pretty close together…Mosey right to the nearby light pole for the second exercise –

pause for some more Mary with Rosalitas, Freddy Mercuries and Flutter Kicks.

Lamp Post Hill

There are three lamp posts on the entrance hill into the AO and they are separated by a decent space, so let’s do 10 Merkins at the 1st one, lunge to the second one, do 10 box cutters, BEAR CRAWL (just for you Honeymoon!) to the 3rd lamp post and do 10 jump squats.

More Mary – LBCs and something else?

Must go back up  — 10 jump squats, bear crawl, 10 box cutters, lunge, 10 merkins

4 Lamp Post Corners

Pause for some Mary – American Hammers and something else?

Mosey over to the parking lot where 4 lamp posts nicely outline  a square for us – how thoughtful.  Exercises were Corner 1 – 10 2-count mountain climbers, Corner 2 – 20 jump squats, Corner 3 – 30 merkins and Corner 4 – 40 crunchy frogs (NOTE: YHC was drawing a blank and asked for an ab exercise and McRib picked this — NEVER AGAIN!).

Gotta reverse it — except this time replace crunch frogs with 40 Rocky Balboas – switch feet after 20 and run backwards between lamp posts.

Lighted Mosey Back to the Flag

Mosey around the parking lot and back to the flag stopping at lamp posts that were lit around the walkway for exercises – Derkins, LBCs, Flutter Kicks and 10 Burpees OYO (because McRib noted a lamp post that we missed)

Back at the flag – Heels to Heaven and time is up

COT – number-rama, name-a-rama and YHC took us out.


  • ReeseStrong 5K and CrabFest at Circle K’s is this Saturday
  • Convergence is 9/30 – get ready and bring friends.  0600 and 0700 workouts – make it for whatever you can just BE THERE!


YHC has been wanting to test out the light poles/lamp posts at this AO since he first noticed them.  Thanks for indulging me this morning fellas.  The 55 Burpees off the top definitely got the heart pumping and YHC panting…strong start.

Way to push through and work hard from opening bell to the final bell.  It was a pleasure to lead.

No more Gumbo for you!


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  1. I thought I was ready to get back into it after the BRR. My legs disagreed once we got into this one. Well done getting it going from the start and keeping it up. I no longer enjoy the light and prefer working in the dark today. The PAX out there today really was a group of giants as everyone had their turn as the 6, impressive effort men.

  2. After that first round of burpees light poles it was more like blinded by the light. I’m glad we took a fun tour of the lights at timberwolf and I was sufficiently worked after that beat down of lights.

    Fun times as always though with SOJ RVA.
