23 Strong Redwoods arrived ready for a beat down.
COP – Helicopters, Don Quixote, Imperial Walkers, Russian Soldiers
Partner up and divide into the Commonwealth Squadron and the Westmoreland Squadron.
Bombing Run!
The Mission – Perform set exercises on each corner to appropriate count while the other partner runs to the next block and back. Switch until block is complete and progress to the next block and repeat.
The Exercises – B.O.M.B.S.
B – 10 Burpees
O – 20 Overhead Claps (SSH)
M – 30 Merkins
B – 40 Big Boy Sit Ups
S – 50 Squats
The Route – Down Westmoreland to Leonard Pkwy and turn right to come back on Commonwealth. Commonwealth Squadron does the opposite. 10 blocks total.
Mary Abs Hot Potato – APDs, LBCs, Flutter Kicks
TYA took us out.
YHC was eager to get into the workout and probably should have provided more detailed instructions, however, it all worked itself out by the second block or so. YHC also assumed the Mary crowd was familiar with B.O.M.B.S as a foundation, so breaking it into parts and taking it on the road was a little rocky. Seems B.O.M.B.S. is a SOJ thing. Next time we will leverage an ADKAR process for BOMBS to get the squadrons together beforehand if necessary. Change is hard – something new and going off grounds.
Bombing run mumblechatter was to a minimum except for DK who was fully conversational to a solo bomber needing a wingman.
We covered six of so of the intended ten blocks, so we can dial it in for next time.
Way to work guys !
See y’all in the gloom…
Bombs are always a treat. I like the squadron and block approach Lockjaw – with the right number of post-it notes and instructions, I think this could be great. Nice work guys.
This BOMBS was a bit of a bomb, but I think we were all exhausted and sweating by the end … so … I’d call that a successful bombing run over a target rich environment.
Thanks for the care and concern to keep me from working out today, but please don’t tell my Ortho Bro Doctor (OrthBro?) I was there attempting burpees.
Nice to see POSH getting his second ever F3 workout in in three days … I think my second workout was months later. hahaha
Great work out there, men!
So glad my thinking we’d be doing 50 of each exercise was totally misunderstood. Good hanging out with Mr. Holland this morning.
Respect to Scrappy for leading the cadence during the flutterkicks!
The BOMBS brought me to the point of exhaustion so that I could no longer complain about the lack-luster instruction period (or my decision not to pay proper attention).
Thanks to Swiper for keeping me straight.
The real question is my next Q of Mary: Dive Bombing Part II, now that the Pax has the instructions for success OR something straight forward, known, and simple like 45 minutes of suicides on the tennis courts. Guess we will have to see….
I was a confused as the rest – TYA had to get a few of us to cross Cary – but it was a hell of a beat down so it’s a success in my book. Thanks Lockjaw
I’m pretty sure I’d prefer Bombing PT 2 over the other choice provided ???