Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Who’s Q?


4 men today for a who’s Q is it day!

Mossy to Clover Hill High school to start the warm up which went a little something like this.

15 SSL

15 Cotton pickers

15 squats

10 push-ups

15 dips

Head to the track for 2 rounds of 4 corners.

Round 1:

  1. 10 squats
  2. 10 push-ups
  3. 10 LBC
  4. 10 Burpee

Round 2:

  1. 15 squats
  2. 15 push-ups
  3. 15 LBC
  4. 15 Burpee

Little round of Lindsey brought to us by McRib

  • 30 Incline push-ups and 10 box cutters – Up and down the bleachers
  • 25 Incline push-ups and 15 box cutters – Crawl bear to light pole
  • 20 Incline push-ups and 20 box cutters – run 1 lap around the track
  • 10 Incline push-ups and 30 box cutters – run 1/2 lap around the track

Back at the flag

  • Quick round of ring of fire with American hammers to finish.

COT, Name-a-rama, Number-rama

Good work today with high humidity and a light mist of rain.  Continue to keep encouraging PAX to show as we need to increase the numbers as we head into winter season!  Always a pleasure to lead such a fine group of men.

Iron sharpens Iron!


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  1. Nice BB Honeymoon and thanks for taking the lead. It was nice and humid morning for a solid beat down.

    Til next time.
