Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

What you crazy boys doin’ over there?


10 stalwart modern day warriors met on a perfect morning to sharpen iron

Warmup IC
20 SSH
10 DQ
10 helicopters
10 Merkins
10 plank
20 FK
10 Rosalita
James Bond for 10 each position
10 FK
10 Hello Dolly

Mosey to Noah’s half built Children’s Ark
Bear Crawl
Plank for 6
Duck Walk
Al Gore for 6
Crab Walk
Monkey Humper
Gorilla Humper
Bear Crawl to start

Triple check – audible
Run to treeline, balls to fence, thermapaedic fence chair

Plank a Rama 

Hail Mary – audible
Pair up. 20 picnic bench dips using partners planking back. X3

Proud indigenous people run back to start

Guantanamo. PAX in circle facing out. Feet at 90 in air.  PAX take turns running around circle pushing feet down.

Ring of fire 

COT – YHC took us out.

Not much mumble chatter today as the warmup moved to high gear. Some comments about what YHC was doing running with a traffic cone – That was supposed to be a target for a CMU coupon toss, but HCPS decided to use my coupons for Learning Cottage construction. Audibled a triple check. Hail Mary is my new favorite exercise – while planking I found I was counting WoJo’s dips as much as he was.  Guantanamo is a keeper, especially when a passing school bus driver remarked “what you crazy boys doing over there?”

Looking forward to next Q at DogPile.  Nurses will have Vit B shots available.

West End 2nd F at Whole Foods noon Thursday.

ReeceStrong 5k 8a Sat
Circle K 2nd F 11a Sat

Convergence 9/30 @ GridIron
Tuckahoe Takeover 9/25 – 9/30 last week of September


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  1. Nice Q, Gomer Pyle. The Noah’s Ark has promise.

    If I were picking up a bus at 610 am, for sure that’s what I would say.

  2. Pyle, check out Lab Rat’s post about Saturday. Never know who will be in the park during your Q at Dogpile.