Wednesday, November 6
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Hmmmmm…..what to do…..what to do…..


A pax of 7 posted this morning for DaVille.  The Q was in Lab Rat’s hands, even though he had no real game plan at all.  He did have a couple of ideas of things we COULD do, but wasnt really excited about any of them.  However, at 0530 he looked around and saw all capable runners and completely dumped any previous plan.  You know that saying from Friday Night Lights?  “Empty heads, clear hearts, can’t lose!”  Or something like that.  Here is what we did:

Parking Lot Tracers (obviously)

Run to the back almost to the gate, where we spotted a hill.

COP- SSH, DQ, arm circles

Jacob’s Ladder to 11- run up hill to fence, do a burpee.  Run back down to road do 2.  Continue to 11 then plank.

Happy Feet- one foot on the curb, one off.  Switch feet so that only one foot is ever on the curb at same time.  Go one minute.

7X7: Line up in plank, first victim goes down the line doing 7 booyah merkins per pax. Fall back in line when complete.  All pax members do 7 with all other pax.

Mountains out of mole hills: Line up on little bump of a hill at bus loop on your six, feet on the high end, head below.  LBC’s IC.  Flapjack to head high feet low, Heels to heaven IC.  Re-muster on level ground for Freddie Mercury IC.

Extended Indian run back to Atlee, then around parking lot.  Most (if not all) pax took advantage of optional burpees.

Ring of Fire Rosie style- Al Gore while first man does merkins X10, then hold plank.  Go back around, X10 merkins then hold Al Gore.  Go until all pax are back in Al Gore.


Nothing fancy planned actually turned in to quite the workout by utilizing the runner heavy pax and whatever landscape options were made available as we ran the perimeter.  The booyah merkins were the downfall of YHC, that was alot of those in a row.  LBC’s are slightly harder on an icline, but Heels to heaven on a decline are dang near impossible.

The pax stayed as a group today, which was nice.  We were able to be distracted from time to time as a runner/rider duo would go by….the rider wearing a Tron.  Hard work was put in across the board….Lab Rat was far and away the weakest link in this group of athletes.


ReeseStrong and Crab Feast Saturday

Convergence Sept 30


Apology of the week goes to Grabber for calling him “cute”.  Lab Rat should know better as he has seen Bull Durham too many times.  Baby Ducks are cute, Grabber would prefer to be called “sexy” or “exotic”.

Lab Rat apologizes….




About Author

Need somebody to talk incessantly during a long run? Ask you questions while you are gasping for breath? I'm your guy.


  1. Great Q this morning LabRat!! Enjoy the tour of the schools’ grounds!! Glad to see Kit Kat back out there this morning! Highlight of the morning had to be watching the fox run across the field by the Cool Spring. I think Grabber (or someone else) thought it was a large cat.