Saturday, November 2
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Kobayashi style


A cooler, late summer morning brought a PAX of 8 for GridIron.  Byproduct arrived first followed by Mr. Holland (new to the GridIron AO), Alpo (recently relocated to Fredericksburg from Kernersville, NC F3), GridIron regulars Attila, White Deer, and Flip Phone, and YHC.  Right, you count 7 names.  More on that later.

We planted a ShovelFlag at the edge of the parking lot, exchanged proper pleasantries, and proceeded with this Thang:  Startup COP with SSHs x 25, 20 x Imperial Walkers, Don Quixotes, and Helicopters, and 15 x Arm Circles (forward and reverse, big and small).

Most other Saturdays, we’ve had Pouncey Tract Park to ourselves and we’ve sometimes used the Bermudagrass football field for our workouts.  This week, the sides of the field were roped off and the field itself included fresh lines prior to the Tuckahoe Tomahawks’ first home game.  YHC planned to use one of the fields.  We moseyed around the fresh field and up the short hill to the Middle School’s football field and started a deconstructed all-Burpee Beast.

Takeru Kobayashi has won Nathan’s hot dog eating contest multiple times and has done so by separating the hot dogs from their buns and eating each separately.  We broke the usual Beast into smaller parts, completing 9 Burpees and running about 40 yards (over 25 yards) and back, and doing so 24 times.  We collected the PAX every couple of rounds by having faster finishers complete other exercises until all were done, including LBCs and APDs.  We also moved from the field to the nearby high jump area for other exercises, including Box Cutters, Squats, and more LBCs and APDs.  We completed the final rounds with a couple of minutes to spare and remained on the field for a couple of stretches.

We moseyed back to the ShovelFlag and, amid gathered youth football players and fans, we found Night Crawler with 2.0s in tow, and preparing to workout.  COT, with all 8 of us, and Attila took us out.  Coffeeteria afterwards at the usual spot, Einstein Bros.

Moleskin:  We’ve talked over the past few months about an all-Burpee Beast.  Sorry to do this without Johnsonville, but J’ville was in NC completing BRR legs with our F3 brothers.  Get better soon Earthworm.  Good to see the guys this morning – the regulars, of course, but also Mr. Holland and Alpo.  Keep coming back fellas.  Good seeing Cecil and M Cecil at coffee – Cecil will be back in action soon.

Announcements:  1) ReeseStrong 5K followed by Circle K Crabfest – next Saturday, 2) GridIron AO Anniversary – next Saturday – hot potato Q, and 3) Broader F3 Richmond Anniversary celebration through Convergence – September 30th.  Second F pregame at GridIron starting in October – details later.


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  1. All burpee beast is nasty. ‘Nuff said.

    If Alpo sees this, or if somebody runs in to him another time, have him get in touch with me. F’burg in our sites for an RVA Leap.
    Lab Rat mobile: 804-263-3570