Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Just the Two of Us, We Can Make it if We Try…


The clock struck 0530 and YHC thought he was destined for a solo workout (or an hour nap in his car – no one will ever know) but lights came shining around the corner and I’m pretty sure 2 wheels were in the air, as McRib was coming in HOT.

Realizing it would be just the two of us (enjoy the smooth tones of Bill Withers while you sip your coffee!) for this Hot Potato Q, YHC took the reigns and off we moseyed to the football field of broken dreams.  One lap around the track to loosen up the joints and then COP, including:

  • SSHs x20 IC
  • DQs x10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x20 IC
  • LBCs x20 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x20 IC
  • Merkins x10 IC

Mosey to the back of the end zone for a quick Dora – 100 merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 squats while taking turns running to the 50-yard line (or thereabout) and back.

PLTs x20 – three times each and then YHC handed the Q baton to McRib (bad idea!)…

Mosey to the bleachers for a modified Lindsay with Dips and Muscle Ups and after each set bear crawl across the track and around the bench and back.  ARMS…SMOKED!

Mosey back to the parking lot for Burpee Road around the bus loop – 2 Burpees at each lamp post.  Redo the first two for an even 10 lamp posts and 20 Burpees.

YHC reclaimed the Q and we had time for a quick escalator across the parking lot.  In the first parking space perform 2 Burpees, bear crawl across the next parking space, in 3rd space perform 10 merkins, bear crawl across next space, in 5th space perform 20 LBCs – repeat across the next 5 spaces.

5MOM medley with LBCs, Flutterkicks, Freddie Mercuries, Cross-Leg Lifts and a new ab exercise YHC wanted to try.  I’ll call it the Rocky Balboa – legs straight with one foot on top of the other, hands locked behind your head, perform a crunch (legs stay straight) at top of crunch twist left, then right and then back down — 4 count exercise in cadence.  15 with left foot on top and 15 with right foot on top.  We can add a jab with the twists to really make it the Rocky Balboa…name pending.

COT (not really a circle), number-rama and name-a-rama and McRib took us out.

Good luck to all the BRR guys.  We wish you guys safe travels, swift running and a safe return.  We know you will make F3 RVA (and Motor City – Honeymoon) proud.  Slay those hills.

Have a great Hump Day men.  Make it count!

No more Gumbo for You!


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  1. I think I prefer trying to catch McRib’s crazy split-finger fastball to the 2-man workout. Never knew which way that damn pitch was going to break.

    I knew bear crawls were coming, but paired with Lindsays…ouch! Great job McRib – and thank you, I wouldn’t have done nearly as much if you didn’t post.

  2. I’m so glad you were there too Gumbo! Two is always better than one and we got in a nice little beat down.

    That’s two weeks in a row that Hallsley has out paxed New Market for SOT. You guys need to step it up!.

    Gumbo thanks again for stepping up and taking the lead.


  3. I couldn’t think of a better pair, yet I’m relieved a local school official didn’t pull up during COT.

    Also glad to see there was no apparent mention of “torn sacks” here (see WDog)…

  4. A recording genius….Lean on Me, Just the Two of Us, Ain’t No Sunshine

    And, I really envy the fro…