Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Ground Game, Part Deaux


A faithful eight assembled lakeside, several for the last long run before the BRR.

Today’s run offered a plethora of ground pounding options…4 miles, 5 miles, 6 miles and LugNut even authored a “Choose Your Own Adventure” version around he lake.  Run ’til your heart’s content.

The basic routes meandered up Richmond Way to College Drive to Boatright, then through New Fraternity Row, and cut through the fence line.  6 milers took a RIGHT onto Horsepen to Woodberry to Sweat Briar to Baldwin, then down Westham Parkway through the Westham neighborhood, then across River Road and down the the railroad onto Huguenot and then through the Bat Cave to the flag.  5 milers took a LEFT at the fence onto Baldwin, right onto Wood, the looped around to Westham Parkway (left) and followed the remainder of the run.  If there were any takers on the 4 miler, YHC apologizes…missed them.

COT, number-rama, name-a-rama, YHC took us out.

BRR…if you don’t know by now…sign up for 2018 starts Monday.
Reese-Strong 5k…sign up now.  Prep for 5k the Hard Way Friday at RAMM
Convergence September 30 from 6-8 at Gridiron.  Come for an hour, come for two hours, bring a friend.
Bear Creek…December 3 (or so).  Only 160 spots.  Sign up now.  Bring kneepads.

YHC followed his Scout training and prepared for today’s run by putting new batteries in his headlamp. (YHC confesses…he was never a Scout, but understands preparedness is important).  As TYA noted, be careful about buying batteries at a discount store.  YHC thanks TYA and Swiper for running nearby…once the full moon set, it was a dark morning.  That said, few mornings have been as nice this summer…



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