Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Art of Tapering


19 men and one young lady braved the elements this gloomy, rainy morning with extra clothing and towels in tow with anticipation of getting wet & muddy. As the clock struck 6 we moseyed to the covered pavilion stage.

Some of the PAX knew what was happening. A no/low running beat down to music  began!

Do the stated exercise for the entire song selected by Pandora. Commercials = Burpees & Run to top of amphitheater as called out by Q.

Pitbull Radio – SSH, Freddie Mercury, Crab Cakes & Monkey Humpers

80’s Rock – Merkins, Box Cutters, Balls to the Wall, Mountain Climbers (with some Spider man called by Q)

Run to the top of amphitheater

90’s Rock – Donkey Kick’s, Jog in place/Jump Rope, Sword Fight, Alabama Prom Date

Country – Saggy 6 (NOT a Wilson Wife approved exercise)

Hardywood took us out with plenty of announcements (see previous back blasts).

It was a pleasure to lead this group today. After yesterday’s speed work YHC decided to take the Q and repeat the low run pre-BRR workout. I keep hearing about training and tapering. Not sure YHC does well with either. After listening to the podcast, YHC will stay away from Lug and will leave trails of blood (good look out Saab). Send the wool sweater (it might be cool out). With all that said, I watched 2 videos on tapering and wanted to punch myself. Then I switched to watching videos on Corvette’s. Hence the featured video. Turn it up and I hope you enjoyed the guy’s giggle as much as I did!

Have a great weekend and start your BRR training or taper. Your call.


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  1. Thanks for leading Wilson. Hated this ground and pound as much as the last time – though I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity for karaoke and mumblechatter. Great job guys (and K2 – rockstar)! Enjoy the long weekend and lots of football. GEAUX Tigers.

  2. Ugh….my arms had no more Mercans in them.

    Thanks for leading, Wilson, and for helping me understanding the difference between pooping and clean arse at ETs. May we never have to discuss that again.

  3. Thanks for leading today Wilson. Hated to leave on time (not really)…you always make it fun yet difficult. Those extended Alabama prom dates really brought back memories.

    #runningsucks (for now)