Wednesday, November 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

White Deer Lets His Strength Do The Talking…For Once


YHC final took the plunge and stepped up to Q Circus Maximus.  YHC was joined by a pair of faithful members of the PAX.  Here is how it went down:

  • COP
    • 25 SSH
    • 25 IW
    • 25 DQ
    • 20 merkins
    • 40 WWII sit-ups
    • 20 Crab Cakes
    • 10 burpees
    • 20 helicopters
    • 20 KB swings
    • 10 halos – each way
  • 10 minute AMRAP
    • 15 lawnmower pulls left and 15 lawnmower pulls right
    • 20 alternating one-armed KB swings
    • 15 weighted squats
  • Farmers carry around bus loop to the pillars of pain
  • Death crawls and sit/presses – 15 sit/presses then death crawl to next pillar for a total of 75 sit/presses
  • Triple check
    • Pullovers
    • High pulls
    • Run length of school
  • COT with YHC taking us out

YHC ran out of time to complete the day with a KB-style ring of fire…maybe next time.

It was good having Johnsonville back from the beach, but much to his amazement, White Deer won the competition today.  He had more reps.  More impressively, White Deer added presses to his squats during the AMRAP to make us all look like his ________.  Truly impressive, even for White Deer.


  • Convergence on September 30th – 6 am and 7 am workouts; bring the numbers

All in all, it was a good morning.  The weather was awesome, and it was a privilege to lead these men this morning.  Nothing better than the fellowship that comes from a good beatdown.



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