Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

That’s one big carrot…


A naughty nineteen descended upon Mary to see what she would have in store.  This is what transpired – more or less…

COP:  DQ’s, Burpees, CH Squats, Burpees, Arm Circles (big ones only!), LBCs.  (Actual counts not furnished here…see TYA for precise numbers.)

Tree Run:  Perform 2 burpees at each tree.

Elevens:  Jump Squats and Merkins.  Run across tennis courts in between.

Crawls:  Traverse (4) tennis courts via Bearcrawls, Crawlbears, Crabwalks, Polar Bears

Triple Check:  Donkey kicks, (bear crawl to edge of court), WWIIs, run out and back (do 3 burpees at halfway point.

Ring of Fire (Merkins), then a few minutes of Mary


Well, it has been sometime since YHC Q’d a workout given he had been on the DL for what seemed an eternity.  With renewed energy and diminished pain (a feeling discovered during yesterday’s Swirly Q), it was decided today would be the day.  Prior to the start, conversation steered toward the frequent use of the MM garden as a place for pulling a Fudd (aka Stifler’s Mom).  Given the amount of natural fertilizer that has been bestowed upon the garden by our F3 brother’s, one could only anticipate the size of the resulting produce (thus the name of today’s BB).

Anyway, not much other mumble chatter to report given YHC was trying to suffer through his self imposed beating.  YHC did, however, offer a Lab-Rat-esq apology to those who had been actively training for the BRR and had run the prior evening (Saab apologizes…sort of).

Announcements:  See DK about the football pool he is managing….riches will be had for all!

Also, Goose reminded folks to see Conspiracy if they were interested in joining his/their church in going down to Houston to assist (in the October timeframe possibly).

Anyway, it was great to be back….thought the day would never come.

Saab abides


About Author

One who abides and is prone to sophomoric and juvenile humor.


  1. Enjoyed it more than anyone realized. Thanks for putting up with my nonsense today fella’s, and great work.

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Solid Q Saabski – great to have you back Qing again dude!
    Way to work today guys.
    See y’all in the gloom…

  3. It was bound to happen some time that Mr Holland and Opus showed up at the same workout together! Funny thing is Mr Holland came to a Hanover County music teacher’s meeting last week and delivered a talk about copyright law. Small world. Great beatdown Saab. You didn’t seem rusty at all.

  4. Nice to have you back on the Q sheet. Solid beat down. My arms were screaming from the Swirly Q, and they are still hurting today!