Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Rainy Improv


Seven fearless regulars and one bold FNG descended on NoToll this morning for a wet start to the day.  In an attempt to keep the PAX as dry as possible, here’s what transpired….

Mosey to pavilion for COP

SSH x 25

DQ x 15

Imperial Walkers x 15

LBCs x 30

Merkins x 12

Onslaught of 11s 

11s were slightly modified…perform both exercises at pavilion before running the field and back

Round 1: Box jumps and WWII situps


Round 2: Derkins and Box cutters


Round 3: Inclined merkins and American hammers

Mosey back to the invisible flag for numberama, namerama, etc.

YHC had, what he thought was, a decent beatdown lineup for NoToll this morning.  However, pounding rain woke YHC up at 4:30 and thoughts of keeping the PAX dry and improv ensued. YHCs M thought he was a bit on the slow side for heading out this morning…but duty calls. Arrival at NoToll found Rosie and Gumbo already present and YHC was relieved to not be leading a workout of one. Five more (including an FNG) arrived right on time.

Knowing how much water the NoToll fields hold, YHC thought some rounds of modified 11s would be welcomed. The modification (that is, performing both exercises before running) brought about some confusion from the PAX (including YHC) but that’s what you get when improvising.  The cool rain seemed to be invigorating and the PAX crushed the workout.  YHC figures it won’t rain every Tuesday and his planned beatdown will make at an appearance at some point.

Welcome to GED (FNG-Dan). Way to be for posting first on a rainy morning.


BRR in two weeks

ReeseStrong, Sept. 16 followed by oysters/crab at Circle K’s

Convergence at GridIron on Sept. 30

Pleasure to lead this morning. Peace out homeslices!


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  1. Good Q Tobit. Appreciate the improve and thanks for the audible on the 11s because otherwise that was a LOT of running.

    Welcome GED – great job today. I look forward to seeing you out there again and hearing you explain your F3 name.

  2. Nice improv work Tobit. Thanks for keeping us reasonably dry. Rain at NoToll was familiar.
    Welcome GED, showing up in the rain is a strong first post.

  3. Thanks for leading us Tobit. Anyone keep track of how much we ran? I’m thinking 2+ miles. I’ll make sure GED is back for more punishment.

  4. I started wondering about our mileage at some point during round 2. There’s a #runningsucks bandwagon out there that I’m looking to tear down.