Six men embarked on a dark humid AO for a Marmaduke beating. A beating the got……………
COP: SSH, Don Quixote, Copperhead Squats, Helicopters
Mosey to paved area by track & field for the DECK OF DEATH………(insert echo voice)
For each category of card, do the number of the following exercise.
Spades = Squats, Hearts = Tricep Press, Clubs = Curls, Diamonds = Diamond Merkin & Ace = 1 lap around the track
Once completed lunge with a twist for the main stretch of track, followed by arm stretches. Mosey back to the blocks for WWII situps with your blocks & 10 diamond merkins OYO.
The Thang:
Marmaduke brought some serious ground & pound today and Gumbo sweat more than normal! Not much mumble chatter if at all today. Big Data needs to open up the ability to post a picture or teach the PAX how to attach a picture, but Marmadukes weinke has set a new standard. Check it out on Twitter. They don’t make blocks like they used to as Wilson’s block broke half way through (thanks for the reminder by Marmaduke that these were holding our homes up – YIKES). Working out really hard or done by design? We may never know………………..
Running still sucks!
Deck of death was brutal & you threw running in. Uggg! Need a nap! Well done fellas!
Yes, well done Marmaduke. You are getting comfortable in the Q seat for sure. The Deck of Death never disappoints – and, yes Gumbo was sweating profusely. I think it was the front-loading of the Diamonds (Diamond Merkins) that got the juices flowing. Great job fellas.
Let me know if anyone can help with Breaking Bread this Sunday….
A privilege to lead this group. Strong work by all this morning with the coupons. Thanks Wilson for putting up the BB, much appreciated n