Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Triple Sprints, Triple Check, Backwards Lunges, and a bunch of Burpees.


15 men were drawn to New Highland Baptist Church this humid morning for a workout to end the week.   After a 2 month break from being the QIC, YHC slept little and dreamed big for today’s beatdown.  This is what occurred.

Mosey around the church to the COP.


  • SSH IC x 20
  • Arm Circles IC – 10 small, 5 big, reverso
  • Imperial Walkers IC- 15
  • Smurf Jacks IC x 20
  • Hillbillies IC x 15
  • Don Quixote IC x 10
  • Merkins IC x 10
  • LBCs IC x 20
  • Star Jacks on your own x 10

The Thang:

  1.  Run to end of church and do 5 burpees.  Karaoke to other end of church and do 5 burpees.  Run backwards to front of church and do 5 burpees.  Karaoke back to start of church and do burpees until the last PAX member arrives.
  2. Lunge to end of church and do 5 burpees.  Side shuffle to other end of church and do 5 burpees.  Lunge backwards to front of church and do 5 burpees.  Side shuffle back to start of church and do burpees until the last PAX member arrives.

Mosey to picnic tables.

3.  Triple Check – Inverted APD with dip, Freddie Mercuries, run to road and back.  Do this 3 times.

4.  Stay in group of 3 for triple sprints  Two people stay on one side of field while other person is about 50 yards away.  Person #1 sprints to other side and does 5 burpees.  Once the first person gets to other side, the person on that side sprints back.  This continues until everybody has done 4 sprints.  When group finishes, bear crawl to middle.

5.  Circle up in plank position for modified Plankarama

  • 5 Merkins IC- Then hold plank
  • Lower to 2 inches.  Hold and then 5 Merkins IC
  • Back up to plan.  Hold and then 5 Merkins IC
  • LBCs IC x 20
  • Freddie Mercuries IC x 10
  • 10 Mountain Climbers IC – Then hold plank
  • 5 Rotating Elbow planks IC – Then hold plank
  • 5 Carolina Dry Docks IC Then hold plank
  • Rotate to side plank – hold – then dip hip for 10 count IC
  • Rotate to other side for plank – then dip hip for 10 count IC

Mosey back to VF for COT – Numberama, Namearama, Mudface took us out


Although it has only been 2 months since YHC has Qed, it appeared that a good amount of rust had built up in that time.  This was also YHC’s VQ at the Creek.  When we left at 5:30 AM to mosey around the church, we had 9 PAX members.  By the end of the COP, we were up to 15.  About 1/2 way through the COP, Spit and Yardsale joined us.  It was obvious that Spit is not used to being late.  He said he got up at 5:16 and lives at least 10 minutes from the AO.  He looked like he just did that drive in about 5 minutes.

After the COP, we did one round of exercises around the church which involved running.  For the 2nd trip around the church, YHC made it clear that the PAX would lunge.  As soon as YHC said exercise, YHC started running.  All PAX members caught this and asked if it is more important to follow the Qs directions or copy what the Q is doing.  That mistake knocked a little rust off of YHC.  The rest was removed during the Triple Sprints and attempting to give directions for that.  Luckily, several of the PAX members had done this before and knew the basic concept of it.  One thing that YHC loves about F3 is that the PAX will do exactly what he says.  The problem is that sometimes YHC says one thing but means another.  In this case, YHC meant to run to the electrical pole, not the light post which was much farther away.  After the corrected instructions were given, the PAX did a fine job completing the Triple Sprints as well as all of the challenges today.

Great seeing Rounders today!  YHC had not seen him in several years.  He seems to be a natural at everything we did today.  Well done as well to the five 2.0s in attendance today.

Thank you F3 RVA for your support of the ReeseStrong 5K!  It is humbling that in the little time YHC has been a member of F3 Nation, so many F3 Nation members from RVA and Hampton Roads are participating or volunteering and are promoting my event.  F3 RVA will have the biggest team on September 16 and it is not going to be close.  Thank you as well Circle K for organizing and hosting Crabfest to follow the ReeseStrong 5K.


ReeseStrong 5K – Saturday, September 16 – F3 RVA team is still the largest team.   Kid’s runs start at 8:30 am, 5K starts at 9 am, Crabfest at Circle K’s house starts at 11 am.  To sign up for 5K the Hard Way, see Lab Rat.  F3 members are not required to do it the hard way.  You can run it or walk it as well.  Spectators and volunteers are also needed.

F3 RVA Convergence – September 30 at Gridiron.  The main event is at 7 am.  There is also a bonus bootcamp at 6 am.  To see the Preblast, click here.

Mudface and No Idea are recruiting for assistance with Y Guides.  See one of them if you are available to help.

Phonics Out!


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  1. Can’t believe I had my first ever LIFO!! Great Q today Phonics! Glad you finally decided to Q the Creek!

  2. The Carpenter on

    Thank you for pushing all of us this morning. The COP brought ocean waves of pain and fueled the beat down!

  3. I would like to make note that I was there the whole COP i just missed the warm up run ;-). Also I noticed if you have (LIFO) next your name it doesn’t count on BIG DATA!?!?

  4. You are correct Spit. Thank you for correcting my memory of the COP. As we circled up, we waited a moment for several 2.0s to join us. As we were preparing to start, you and Yardsale came running up. We then started our exercises.