Seventeen brave warriors made the trip south to the opening of the new SOJ AO. With the opening of a new AO, Sparky was elected by the New Market Crew to take it as his Virgin Q, and he was certainly up to the challenge! Once the garbage truck cleared and McRib could safely park, the PAX headed out into the darkness of Timberwolf!
The Thang-
SSH x 10
Jump Squats – 10
Lunge Stretches
DQ x 10
Grab a sand Bag and Mosey
Tabata Circle on Track- 6 exercises. 20 Seconds on, 10 off, 8 Rounds at each Station
Station 1 – Medicine Ball Slam
Station 2 – Sand Bag Shoulder Press
Station 3 – Sandbag on Shoulders Jump Squats
Station 4 – Side Hop Burpees
Station 5 – Overhead Sandbag Triceps
Station 6 – Merkins
In Between Sets 1 and 2 – 4 man Tire Flips and 4 Man Tire pull
In between sets 3 and 4 – Mosey around track with sandbags, each Pax member up and down hill with bag twice
In between sets 5 and 6 – Plank Variation
Mosey to Flag – Numberama, Namerama, and Honeymoon took us out!
Announcements :
- Reece Strong – See Phonics, Please RSVP to Circle K for Party after
- Sept 30th Convergence – 6am and 7am
- Gumbo will pre-blast, He is Q at Breaking bread this month
- Still Spots open for BRR
- Can we get Timberwolf added to Q sheet?
MS –
With the announcing of the new AO the past few weeks as well as the Ghost Flag up for grabs, Sparky was curious as to how many PAX would show up for his Virgin Q. 17 strong to start at Timberwolf is awesome, great job by all the PAX who showed up to support it! COP carried a little extra sting to it this morning, and not because the lunge stretches hurt, its because Shakedown took a wasp sting to the arm. After stomping the wasp to death, Shakedown promptly told us he’s had bad reactions to stings before and we may want to keep an eye on him throughout the morning to make sure he is breathing ok. He made it through the workout, but nobody’s breathing was fine after the beatdown. (Shakedown please make sure you comment so we all know you made it home safely). Tons of mumble chatter on how large the new AO is, everyone enjoyed some of the Old School hits that played during the Tabata rounds, and who knew, with no more CDs being bought these days, Alexa skips sometimes too….Anyway, lastly a huge shout out the Tuckahoe Crew, you guys came strong with clown cars and captured the Ghost Flag! We look forward to seeing where it shows up next so we can try and grab it back! Strong Work men, have a great day!
Still living – Great beatdown Sparky! I was smoked.
Arm is now swollen, hot, itchy, red, and painful so I think I will seek a professional opinion as soon as my 10:00 meeting is over. Thanks for the concern Marmaduke and all the rest of you men. I felt like I was in good hands if I were to go down. Being next door to the hospital helped put me at ease too 🙂
I came out this morning to support the new AO but if the workouts are going to be anything like this morning I will be back! See y’all in the gloom
Fantastic new AO. Lots of opportunities for pain out there.
Great VQ Sparky. The large numbers could have easily thrown even a veteran Q off his plans but you adapted well and delivered a strong beatdown. I look forward (and by that I mean I dread) many more beatdowns from you in the future.
Great to have visitors to help the SOJ crew break in a new AO. And 2 days in a row SOJ for HoneyDO – love it! Thanks for traveling guys!
Great VQ Sparky, way to start off your Qs and the AO with a Bang! Loved the use of coupons. Lots of exploring to do at this AO.
The self identified micro-region of Tuckahoe came strong this morning to take the Ghost Flag. Who knew this was going to break down into neighborhoods? The New Market Crew is looking strong for that trend continuing.
Nice work Sparky, made it worth my while to make the trek out to far regions of SOJ 2 days in a row.
And now Lockjaw has an apprentice for his unconventional cadence style.
Sparky – would love to say it’s my first time experiencing your style of beating. I enjoy them less each time, but enjoy the feeling after. Great job. I agree, the large numbers could have thrown off a vet and you nailed it.
Glad Shakedown survived and performed quite strong even with the sting. Great to see the travelling PAX for the VQ, Ghost Flag & New AO. Thanks for the support! Big Data even showed up! I’ll see y’all in the gloom Saturday!
You could have 4 AOs at that AO and not run into anyone. Definitely will be added to the periodic rotation.
Great Q Sparky. It was different… in a good way. That’s one of the things I enjoy about F3, not knowing what you are in store for when you show up.
Glad to be able to take the Ghost Flag off your hands. Mumblechatter on the ride back north of the border centered around the appropriate usage of said flag. Only time will tell!
Great new AO and great VQ Sparky! That was a fun sweaty beat down. I love the possibilities at this AO and also love the proximity to my hood.
Glad to hear that Shakedown is doing well and congrats to the WestEnders on capturing that ghost flag.
I look forward to many more fun beat downs at TimberWolf.
Hey I’m pretty sure I was there! I have this memory of riding with Splinter’s bazooka in case it was needed to take the flag.
Props to Sparky for navigating a VQ, tunes, and tabatta counter all in one shot!
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night nor itchy-ass hornet stings stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed beardowns!
(Nice job Shakedown, feel better soon!)
Congrats on the new AO to the new market crew! 🙂
You were definitely there Offshore. That bazooka tube is now the ghost flag container.
My bad Offshore! I’ll go back and add you in. Honeymoon was right, the recording stopped on the phone!
Yeah it was probably my fingers twitching uncontrollably after that beatdown that shut the recording off.