Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Apparently Tater Hole is a place, not an event


7 RVA regulars and 1 from Hickory, NC came out to Heartbreak Ridge on a muggy morning. We had 7 to start and picked up Conspiracy running into the AO on our way to the COP

COP- SSH, Merkins,Flutterkicks, DQs

Mosey to benches down hill- 3 Sets of 15 Derkins & 20 Dips. Mosey to metal benches on far side- 2 rounds of 40 Bench kicks, 10 Box Jumps, then run a lap around track.

Head to Jerkin Gym- 2 sets of 6 Jerkins each, run up Heartbreak hill, then repeato. Head to Donkey Kick Wall for namesake exercise. Start at 15 DKs, bear crawl to mid court, 10 WWII situps. Increase DKs by 5 each time, 4 rounds.

Mosey back to flag for some mary- Cross leg lifts, APDs, Box Cutters, then finish with Ring of Fire.

NMS- Good to have Tater Hole from Hickory out this morning. HBR must be getting a good reputation as a lot of out of towers make their way to this AO. Good to have Sabotage back in the gloom. He looks back in fine form and should be ready for his VQ any day now.

YHC had to create his own mumblechatter as the PAX is too nice and focused at Heartbreak Ridge. Garbage plate continues to beg for more Bench kicks so YHC had to deliver.

During the Donkey kicks Gomer Pyle won the Ron Burgundy award for taking YHC’s literal instructions of crawl out to the mid court basketball hoop and went over to touch the hoop. On a side note Gomer looks ready for BRR despite what he says.

Tater hole put in solid work, especially as the War Daddy. You’re welcome back any time. Feel free to take Jerkins and Donkey Kicks back to Hickory with you. As we were leaving this morning our visitor offered a clarification that his F3 name is for an actual place in Hickory.

Announcements – Lots of stuff in September going on.

Silent Assassin signing off.



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  1. Tater Hole sounds like another game TYA doesn’t want to learn. Looking forward to HoneyDo Q at SOT.

  2. Great job SA. Looking forward to your Q at SOT tomorrow. There are some great brick walls there. I’m just saying…

    Great to see WoJo getting around to another AO also.

  3. Glad to see SOJ is paying attention to the Q sheet. I’ll see about dialing up some HD standards for SOT…