Thursday, December 12
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Where’s the Creek?


The SOJ gang deputized EF as an honorary member and dispatched him to The Creek to lay down the beat and plant the Flag.  14 Oldies and 1 Newbie escaped the sack.  Here’s how it went down.

Mosey forward around the church

Mosey backward around the church


  • Morning Stretch
  • Merkins
  • Helicopters
  • Werkins
  • Box Cutters
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Smurf Jacks

6 Cone Déjà vu Escalator–

  • Merkins x 10, run back
  • Merkins x 10, Jump Squats x 10, run back
  • Merkins x 10, Jump Squats x 10, Carolina Dry Docks x 10, run back
  • Merkins x 10, Jump Squats x 10, Carolina Dry Docks x 10, Lunges x 10/each, run back
  • Merkins x 10, Jump Squats x 10, Carolina Dry Docks x 10, Lunges x 10/each, Monkey Humpers x 10, run back
  • Merkins x 10, Jump Squats x 10, Carolina Dry Docks x 10, Lunges x 10/each, Monkey Humpers x 10, Burpees x 10, run back

Jump Rope Conveyor x 100 (Rotating PAX)

  • On-Deck PAX choice exercises (Captain Thors, Freddie Mercuries, LBCs, Alphabet, Imperial Walkers, American Hammers)

Mosey to Pavilion

  • Step-ups R/L IC
  • Dips IC

F3 Duck Duck Goose – Bear Crawl around circle while PAX planks, Bunny Hops around circle while PAX does Al Gore (Helix style)

Mary – LBCs, Flutter Kicks, Cross-over Leg Lifts

Burpees x 10 OYO

Numberama, Nameorama, COT


YHC’s residence is north of the river, but place of business is true SOJ, and thus where YHC spends enough time for the SOJ PAX to allow YHC to take a Q during SOJ takeover week.  YHC has one question about The Creek, where is the creek?  After Viral’s Tunnel of Love through a creek at Heartbreak Ridge earlier this week, YHC thought it only appropriate to involve the creek at The Creek.  Alas YHC never found the creek.  As the 2.0s numbered 5 today, YHC wondered to himself as he called out Monkey Humpers if perhaps there needs to be a separate 2.0 friendly Lexicon/ Exicon for such an occasion.  Mudface had a similar hesitation as he mentioned an upcoming Virgin Q at the new Northside Sunday workout.  Oh well, perhaps it is better for the 2.0s to laugh along with their 1.0s at a workout considering they’ll eventually hear it at school anyway.  Great to put faces with some of the names YHC has been seeing in DaVille’s BBs for some time.  Welcome FNG Swayze.  YHC hopes you had the time of your life.  Come back anytime.  Forgive YHC if your hospital name is still misspelled above despite repeating it multiple times.


ReeseStrong 5k – sign up, run, and then get crabs at Circle K’s

BRR – may have some spots open

New AOs – north and southside


About Author

When EF Hutton speaks, people listen.


  1. As a resident near enough to The Creek, I have often wondered the same thing. There is a lake nearby, however.

  2. DK is the resident animal trapper but a couple clarifying questions. With your bare hands? While wearing jorts?

  3. Shot him with a pellet gun, then dumped the dead racoon in dumpster near Regency mall. I was l, however, not wearing a wife beater…

  4. A true SOJ man would have put the carcass in the neighbor’s mail box that has the dog that wont stop barking. Just sayin’

  5. My son is oblivious and the monkey jumpers thing went right over his head, I am sure. Nice work this morning. Jumping rope is hard!

  6. the actual creek is located on the main road into Ashcreek right before the clubhouse. I’m surprised that @Emoji didn’t know this since he lives 3 blocks from the AO!!

  7. Looks like a great beatdown EF!! Great job all week to the SOJ Q’s! See you all in the gloom next week!