Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

SOJ Take Over Week Continues: Beautiful Morning at WDog


This morning 11 brave souls and 1 FNG with modified parking ventured into the gloom of WDog to start a beautiful Wednsday morning.  Here is what went down:


  • SSH IC x 25
  • Hillbillies IC x 20
  • Don Quixote IC x 10
  • Arm Circles IC x 15
  • Merkins IC x 10
  • LBCs IC x 20

Burp around the clock

  • Start at 12 O’clock on the roundabout
  • Bear crawl to 3 o’clock and perform 3 burpees
  • BC to 6 o’clock and perform 6 burpees
  • BC to 9 o’clock and perform 9 burpees
  • BC to 12 o’clock and perform 12 burpees
  • Al Gore and wait for the PAX

Mosey to amphitheater

Step Ups/Box Jumps Escalator

1 to 18

Dips Escalator back down the Amphitheater

Mosey to Rusty Cage


  • 5 pull ups/ 1 squat
  • 4 pull ups/ 2 squats
  • etc down to 1 pull up/ 5 squats

Mosey to circle


  • Burpee Shuffle
  • American Hammers IC X 25

Mosey back to flag

Numberama/Name o Rama


  • 9/30 Convergence
  • Reese Strong 5k
  • Circle K Crabfest (RSVP to backblast)
  • New AO SOJ at Tomahawk MS starting 8/17
  • MC Hammer is coming to RVA on 8/19 (did I get this right Offshore?)

Lab Rat took us out


SOJ takeover week continued this AM on a beautiful August morning at WDog.  The weather was clear and a brisk 63 degrees, quite the contrast from yesterday at No Toll.  As such, YHC felt the need to spread the PAX far and wide to see as much of this great AO as possible.  Upon 5:30 a PAX of 11 took off toward the Carillon to get the party started.  On the way, a figure appeared out of the dark asking questions about F3, so we asked him to join the fun as his car was parked right next to where we were going to start.  After a quick disclaimer and a fair amount of chide and mumble chatter the COP got started.  Hillbillies were welcomed as a staple for SOJ takeover week.  A lot of hopping and giggling ensued during this part of the workout.

The burp around the clock was something that YHC had tried initially on a business trip to Chicago with Lockjaw last year.  It was originally performed around a rather reasonably sized sun dial.  Performing this around the circle to the east of the Carillon was a bit more of a chore.  Bleeder had no trouble leading through this exercise with his abnormal superhuman bear crawling skills, the rest of the PAX were fairly taxed as they pushed through with a strong effort.  Dr. Phil mentioned that in Greensboro we call this something that looks good on paper.  YHCs response to that was the original plan called for a reversal of time by crawl bearing back around the circle and performing donkey kicks at each interval, but an audible was needed.

The mosey to the amphitheater was fairly quiet with little fanfare and mumblechatter with the exception of inquiring of the FNG (Valet) of his connection to F3RVA (friend of Splinter who was MIA).  Once the PAX was in the amphitheater, Lab Rat requested Swirly to provide a vocal performance, upon which Swirly reminded everyone of the Queen medley he performed upon doing Freddie Mercuries at DogPile recently.  Much to the dismay of the PAX an encore performance was not provided this AM.

The Rusty Cage was a bit murky and dark this AM, but around 6AM there was enough light to get the PAX safely there and perform the 6 Pack.  Circle K was disappointed as this exercise was explained as there was no evidence of col beer included.  The PAX effectively crushed the pull ups though and completed in enough time to get in some more burpees and finish strong with American Hammers.

YHC had never Qd before at WDog and YHC thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to utilize a lot of the great amenities at this AO and have a lot of fun with the great men and 2.0s of F3Rva.  It was a pleasure and privilege to take the lead this AM.  I am honored and humbled to the PAX for indulging my leadership and other antics this AM.  Thanks for letting YHC lead.

Welcome to Valet.  You crushed it this AM and YHC looks forward to seeing you again soon SOJ.

Til Next Time



About Author


  1. Great job to all today. Thanks for allowing me to lead.

    Welcome to Valet and again to Dr. Phil!


  2. Way to crush ’em SOJ style McRib. I have to say, the Burp Around the Clock doesn’t even look good on paper. Sounds terrible. Well done.

  3. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Nice Q McRib – Beautiful morning for a workout – great job fella’s
    See ya;ll in the gloom..

  4. Great Q McRib. I have to admit, I was expecting some cold beer with the 6 pack. Good call to leave the cold beer until this evening

  5. Thanks for welcoming me everyone, and thanks for leading McRib. Looking forward to doing this regularly. Hopefully I’ll see some of y’all at the south side workouts.

  6. Welcome, Valet! Hopefully your boy Splinter (some call him Brian) will feel enough guilt for not posting with you to fix your login.

    (Hint: nobody will be calling you Tom.)