Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Loading the Ark at DaVille


8 waterproof souls assembled at Atlee HS for a beatdown during SOJ takeover week. YHC traveled all night to arrive on time. Things went something like this:


SOJ Slaughter Start – 10 Burpees OYO

Mosey to some wet grass next to Atlee HS for COP: SSH, DQs, Bob & Weaves, Merkins, LBCs, Crab Cakes, Imperial Walkers

Mosey towards fields. Audible to head towards the side of the school to make use of the table benches.
Partner Chiabattas: Dips + Monkey Humpers

Mosey to field behind Atlee HS for Ark Loader (animal-like exercise across 25-40 yds, then run to the other end)

  • Bear Crawl
  • Duck Walk
  • Backward Crab Walk
  • Bunny Hop
  • Crawl Bear
  • Forward Crab Walk
  • Imperial Monkey Humpers (that’s right, 5 monkey humpers then imperial walk 2 steps)
  • Polar Bear
  • Sloth Walk (lunges through the sprinklers)

Mosey to corner, partner up for Love Field: both partners need to get to diagonal corner of field, 1 runs back and forth to/from target corner, 1 alternates Russian Soldiers + Imperial Squat Walkers

Mosey to VSF for 90s of Mary: American Hammers and X’s & O’s

COT: Opus took us out


YHC had an interesting trip to DaVille this morning after clearing a downed tree out of the road leading out of his neighborhood.  No other neighbors in site before 5am…weird.

What better to celebrate a massive, soaking rain than an Ark Loader?!?  There was some initial mumblechatter regarding the COP in the wet grass…YHC could only respond by saying “we’re going to get wet today”.  And we did.  It actively rained on us, but it felt great. When the sprinklers kicked on, it was definitely time to slow things down and get even more soaked.

Phonics pointed out that the Atlee field felt like NoToll this morning…and YHC cannot disagree…it was like a blanket.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning.  Everyone did really well…there was more crawling on wet ground than most anticipated, probably, but solid effort made by all.  TClaps to FNG Toto for posting on a soppy, wet morning.


Reese Strong 5K on Sept. 16 – See Phonics for running details, and see Circle K’s Pre-Blast for shellfish consumption details.

F3RVA Convergence on Sept. 30 – @ GridIron – 6am & 7am workouts – come for one or stay for both!



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  1. Shocking revelation: none of the other PAX from this morning’s DaVille watches Game of Thrones. Maybe HBO hasn’t expanded to Mechanicsville yet…

  2. Sorry to miss it, as I am a GOT fan. I blame Lug Nut for my absence.

    Stick em with the pointy end.

  3. Looks like you were smokin’ them DaVille boys like Drogon, DK!

    (Of course they have no idea what that means, but whatevs)

    Hey congrats for making it to your Q on time. That makes one of us today!

  4. DK I received a raven today with message you had a epic beatdown yesterday!! Sorry I had to miss it and I am too a GOT fan.

    Vaca is great but I miss posting with my F3 Brothers!!