Thursday, December 12
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Didn’t Cross the River and No Tolls Paid!


Lugnut, Jville & Wilson started SOJ takeover week with Rosie at the helm……..think of Rosie as William Wallace.

It was a beautiful morning and the New Market Clown car actually saw Swirly running (actually stopped at a light) to the AO. Eight men and one lady showed up to make themselves faster & stronger.

Here is how it went down:

COP: Short mosey around island and circle up with disclaimer. SSH, Homer to Marge, Arm Circles & Sword Fight.

Mosey to the large field for Jacob’s Ladder – 11’s. 10 LBC’s & 1 Merkin………….

Mosey to tennis courts for the Whore!

Four corners with circle back repeats. 10 Merkins, 20 Jump Squats, 30 Box Jumps & 40 Burpees

Staying on courts circle up for Ring of Fire with Flair. YHC requested no regular merkins, but done with something extra. I think we can all agree Bleeder’s was cool, but Sippy took the cake with the amount of balance and agility it took to knock those out!

Finish with a dealers choice of Mary. that took us right tot he end. Flipper took us out and we discussed a lot of stuff going on in September. Which if I try to recreate, I will get dates wrong etc……..

Today started the SOJ takeover week. I was excited to lead today and yet nervous as I had only been to Batteau one other time. That is a cool AO with a ton to do and YHC barely scratched the surface. Many thanks to Swirly for the guidance in the dark. As YHC was deciding how far to take Jacobs ladder, Bleeder blurts out “just go tree to tree”. Yup, that was tough. It’s a good distance across that dip. And I believe it was not even the steepest part of the field. YHC is really impressed with Dr. Jim Holland’s program that Bleeder is on. YHC asked him for an exercise and the answer came out of Bleeder. Just AMAZING. Well done Dr. Jim!

Today was fun and the SOJ PAX is looking forward to a solid week!


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  1. Thanks for the chance to lead y’all at Batteau today! Nice to meet Dr. Phil from Greensboro!

  2. Nice work SOJ team! The steep part of the ladder, once committed you just gotta follow through!

    Welcome Dr Phil!

  3. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great Job Wilson !
    That Whore was brutal !
    Excellent way to start the week though – well done pax!
    See y’all in the gloom..

  4. Welcome Dr Phil! Strong way to start the takeover week Wilson! Great work by all this morning!

  5. I have determined that some of our exercises names make me uncomfortable when a young lady is present… Theta I apologize for the Alabama prom dates and The Whore…and Wilsons Wife…F3 Men do love, appreciate, and respect women… with that said way to bring it Theta you were unwavering even during Wilsons fart fest. Dr. Phil you represented your home crew well. And Respect to Bleeder for taking on the steepest part of the hill.