Good morning F3 RVA! Wilson has returned from a very lazy and relaxing vacation and is ready to put down the Col Beer and start the BRR training. While the New Market Crew was discussing the plans for the South Side expansion – exploration has begun to find the perfect AO! Honeymoon wanted to know who was joining him for the Off the Books run. Ocho had planned a ride with another buddy and Sparky, Tatu & Marmaduke clearly said they were out. Then he looked at me………..Yeah I’m in (Skinny Pirates were talking) and we had a plan. Wilson was to drive and we would run on Sunday.
Here is how it went down. As YHC was getting in the car I heard coyotes or wild dogs (I called them Werewolves) and I started to wonder if the BRR had packs of wild dogs or maybe even werewolves……..Honeymoon assured me we would only likely run into the South Side fox and nothing else.
As the clock struck 6, nobody else showed up. Honeymoon stated the Singer was’t showing up because running sucks and doing it alone REALLY sucks. Sorry you had that happen last week man! I am sure the pre-tweet stating the trail run starting at 6:30 was a huge draw and they had a great showing!
We ran and got in between 5.3 & 5.5 miles. Honeymoon circled back for YHC twice. It was a beautiful morning to wear long sleeves and we were fortunate no clowns or werewolves attacked us. You may be wondering why this video? I often think of Corvette’s! Go figure, but today I coupled it with the roads of the BRR and thought how EPIC that would be to drive. I bumped into this video and well….at 4:40 turn it UP!
Enjoy and have a great day!
1 Comment
Enjoyed the run and the second F today. Thanks for pushing me Honeymoon!