Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

“That dude looks a lot like Offshore” alternative title: “You could have looked at Google Earth”


7 Strong, including 1 FNG descended upon a parking lot in North Myrtle Beach to see how other F3’ers do situps.  After exchanging pleasantries and Lab Rat finding Offshore in the gloom (what?!?),   A couple shovelflags were planted, then pulled and brought with us.


Mosie to nearby park.

COP- SSH, Imperial Walkers, Don Quixote’s (Abe Vigoda, of course), arm  circles, hand release merkins, crab cakes


A Diamond for Lindsay-  head to baseball field and perform Lindsays….but instead of stopping at the corners we did laps around the inside of fence stopping at home plate and Center Field.  start with 10 4-count LBC and 30 merkins, subtract 5 and add 5 until 30 LBC’s and 10 merkins is reached.  Plank for six.

Triple Check- Mosey to playground, teams of 3.  Perform derkins on swings, burpees, and 10 GOOD dips on benches.  Repeato times 3.

5MOM-  American Hammers, Freddie Mercuries, WW2 (aka big boy) situps, hold 6 inches.

Mosey back with flags in tow.

COT, Lab Rat took us out.

Extra Credit:  34 burpees in honor of DipStick, who left this world way to early.


Lab Rat took to the roads at the wee hours this morning in order to take on the guest Q down at North Myrtle Beach’s AO aptly named #TimeShare.  What should have been a nice quiet drive got a little edgy as he thought he should get there 15 minutes beforehand, but Waze was telling him 3 minutes early….which is late.  Split the difference at 9 minutes before the green flag drops was close enough.  Fall out of the car only to find Offshore there among the pax!  Man that dude travels well.

Hooked up with local HIM Beaker to get the lay of the land and directions to the park.  He was very good to guest Q, pointing him towards local features, and answering questions all the way.  We found a nice patch of grass for COP, followed by the ball field for Lindsays.  YHC’s plan was to implement as many things as possible that we do in the RVA that maybe havent been seen further south, kind of a share the love Q.

Eventually however, Lab Rat’s world famous incessent chatter got the best of Beaker and when told there was a good set of pull up bars on the other side, Beaker replied that the Q could have bothered to look at Google Earth beforehand.  Touche’!  Valid point.

A little change of pace doing the Mary before leaving the park for selfish reasons:  the Q had no desire to do American Hammers in  a gravel parking lot, and smartly chose the soft damp field of clovers instead.

Always a bonus was to name an FNG, which the Q was relishing the whole workout.  Sadly though for Lab Rat, Gold Digger was named quite quickly by Viagra.  A solid name right out of the gate, as Gold Digger is a pastor in El DorAdo, NC.

After all was said and done, the pax did 34 extra credit burpees for their fallen brother, DipStick.  While performing them, they tried to trip Lab Rat up  by asking him questions.  Little did the MB pax know, Lab Rat never shuts up whether out of breath or not.

Coffeeteria was enjoyed afterwards by Offshore and Lab Rat.  Seriously, how was Offshore even there?  Also, not many F3er’s can top the number of AO’s this guy has posted to.

Overall this was a great experience, and YHC would like to thank the pax of Grand Strand for letting Lab Rat take the helm.  Special thanks to Beaker for acting as guide dog.  Lab Rat will wear his patch with pride!

Apology of the week:  we’ll throw it to Beaker….Lab Rat apologizes for not looking at Google Earth.


Lab Rat apologizes…


About Author

Need somebody to talk incessantly during a long run? Ask you questions while you are gasping for breath? I'm your guy.


  1. Well done Lab Rat. And, thanks for keeping tabs on him Offshore – next time we’ll send an advance scout along as well.

  2. Great job LabRat and what a great surprise! Only LabRat can give lessons in mumblechatter while Qing, at an unfamiliar AO no less!