Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Super Sevens or Sweaty Sevens?


7 showed on 7/7 for a Rosie beatdown, including a 2.0 FNG. Here is what we did:

COP- SSH (just in time for McRib to do last 2), Imperial Walkers, LBCs, Merkins?

Mosey to field, start with Bear & Snake to get blood flowing, then on to the main event- Super 7s: 7 Burpees on one end of field, 7 Merkins & 7 Squats at other end of field. Repeato 7x’s.

Mosey to playground for 3 sets of: 7 Pull-ups and 7 Flutterkicks. Mosey to bus loop for Triple check of Box Jumps, Freddy Mercurys.

Mosey back to flag for some Mary, Ring of Fire, Honeydo took us out.

NMS – Solid Q from Rosie. Carabiner is YHC’S daughter, she enjoyed it although she said the Super 7s smoked her. The rest of the PAX agreed. Again the PAX could not have been nicer to her.

The Bear & Snake seems to be a knock off of the Human Centipede but you can never go with Bear Crawl. Mumblechatter focused mainly on the 2nd annual Home Run Derby.  Will Wedding Singer repeat? Will there be a Trophy this year?

Announcements – Home Run Derby is Tuesday at NoToll, but not at NoToll, see Pre-blast from Gumbo.



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  1. Nice job today Rosie! I’m not sure how that was only a 43 minute workout, but it was chock full of beat down.

    Great job to Carabiner to push through the entire workout. That was a tough one to FNG, and you crushed it. Great job to all other PAX as well. As always, it’s a ton of fun SOJ.


  2. Debate is now raging in the Honeydo household as to whether the Super 7s was the hardest of the beatdowns my 2.0s have experienced.

  3. Looks like Honeymoon & I made the right choice to go out to the run. Nice work gents and welcome Carabiner.

  4. Thangs for taking the BB Honeydo and welcome to Carabiner. I can’t speak for what your other 2.0s wet through but the humidity with the super 7s was tough.