Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Toughest Lindsay?


A strong PAX of five emerged from the gloom for a KB beatdown that went something like this:


COP IC: Hammer Dance x20, Don Quixote x10, Hillbillies x20, Rosalita x20, MC American Hammer x20, Back Lift x10

Mosey to basketball court.  25 KB swings and 5 burpees OYO.   Rinse and repeat 4x.

Mosey to grass in front of front parking lot for Lindsays: Merkin Rows and WW II Situp Presses.  Take a lap around the front parking lot in between sets.   Mosey back to VSF for COT.

NMM:  YHC recalled a Gumbo Q that was particularly hard, and wanted to see how he did with Qdrenalyne.  The called Lindsay would be tough without a KB.  The PAX confirmed that it was no joke, but pushed through and crushed it.  No shortcuts were possible on the laps between Lindsay sets because the front parking lot is torn up, and there is a Porta-John that needs servicing.


Now – New F3 RVA website is live (F3RVA.org).

Today – Ultimate Frisbee at Atlee High School followed by a COTU visit – Ms and 2.0s welcomed – check website(s) for earlier Preblast.

July 8th – Toga’s Dogpile swan song.

July 12th – HDHH / Toga send-off at The Answer Brewpub – check website(s) for earlier Preblast

August 7th – Charity golf tournament in Stafford – see Upchuck for details.

September 16th – Reese Strong 5K –Signs ups will open soon. Join the F3 team.


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