Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Today, we’ll check in on Saab’s injury of the week and Bleeder’s got the runs?!?


A questionable number of runners descended upon the trails today at differing times, with the main brunt leaving at the designated 0700.  It was hot and sticky, which will be the name of the game for the next couple of months, so we may as well embrace it.  Here is the shakedown:

Route: North bank to Canal walk and loop around the Pipeline trail (swim break).  Cross the river on T. Potter bridge and return on Buttermilk.  Official GPS (mine) clocked in at 8.5 miles.  YMMV


-Always a pleasure to have Obama join us for trail run!  He acted as group photographer today and kept Helix and Hat Trick from taking it easy.  Speaking of Helix and Hat Trick, they were the only other takers on swim call.  What doesnt kill you makes you stronger!  We’ll have to continue it when the water gets colder.

-Aisle 5 is feeling the calling of the mountains and has upped his running game in preparation for BRR.  Hell of a job today, buddy!

-Special thanks today to Upchuck for minding the six.  Appreciate it, man!

-Great to run with EF Hutton today, even though I broke his heart.  He informed me he was finishing up Corporate Challenge today.  I asked him how was the double dip yesterday and he said “what do you mean?”  Whoops.  Good job on the streak though.  He lamented on that the rest of the run….

-We caught up to Saab limping his way back along Texas Ave. with yet another injury.  Tough break, buddy.  Get well quick.

-RUMOR has it that Bleeder ran this morning.  Soooooo……what does Big Data count, cars or faces?  YHC is being generous with the pax list today, but he thinks that some rulings need to be made on this subject.  The pax was joined by TYA and Wedding Singer who either took a shower right before we showed or actually ran today.


About Author

Need somebody to talk incessantly during a long run? Ask you questions while you are gasping for breath? I'm your guy.


  1. Enjoyed the run, especially the part just before we started, when we stopped for water, and when you held my hand as we crossed the finish line. The pipeline was kinda cool I suppose.

  2. It was toasty, but still a great tour of RVA. En route I kept thinking of Lab Rat’s past advice, “You gotta shake what your mama gave you.” We really have a gem with these trails. I agree, the mid-run river dunk should be a tradition.