Saturday, November 9
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

I Want to be Your Sledgehammer


4 SOJ’s finest and 1 west siiiiiide gangsta convened for a virginal Q at the Source of Truth.  EF planted the Flag.  Here’s how it went down.

Mosey to football field


  • SSH
  • DQ (slower than Abe Vigoda)
  • Arm Circles
  • Ball Dippers
  • Russian Soldiers
  • LBCs

Mosey to corner of track for lap

  • Sprint Straightaways
  • Backwards around corners

Mosey to long jump pit

Conveyor Belt x 3 rotations

  • Sledgehammer tire slams
  • KB Swings/ Rows/ Curls/ whatever Wilson was doing
  • Jump Rope
  • Burpees
  • Run to baseball backstop

Mosey back to football bleachers – mind the giant pile

  • Muscle Ups
  • Dips

Mosey to 15 yard line while bunny hopping through overturned hurdles

Pacman (2 try to reach end zone, 3 defend – all Bearcrawl)

  • 4 rounds – 5 burpees for Ghosts and Pacmen between rounds


  • Box Cutters
  • Cross-leg lifts
  • Freddie Mercurys

Ring of Fire x 3 waves

Mosey to retrieve sledge/ KB/ Jump Rope and back to flag

Numberama, Nameorama, COT


YHC arrived Swirly early despite the hike from the near West End to explore the AO as this was YHC’s VPost as well as VQ at SOT.  YHC left impressed.  The AO has so many options, including a quick trip off campus to CHHS if one so chooses.  The PAX seemed to be impressed with YHC’s skill with a jump rope, but unimpressed with slinging a KB and sledgehammer around.  The size and makeup of the PAX meant mumblechatter was high, Q excluded.  YHC had difficulty maintaining his composure when calling for Don Quixotes “nice and slow” then calling a cadence that would make an auctioneer’s head spin.  Thanks to DK for pointing out YHC’s failings.  Fudd posted before YHC arrived and left before the beat down began, but not before leaving his mark near the football bleachers.  Strong performances by all, YHC is grateful for the opportunity to lead.


Hill Run today

Upchuck golf

1st Thursdays in DaVille

Ask Honeymoon where to post for Gumbo’s homerun derby on July 11th

F3RVA Fantasy Football – talk to EF Hutton if interested


About Author

When EF Hutton speaks, people listen.


  1. Great beat down EFH. I’m feeling the sledgehammers for sure. And the games of Pacman were fun.

    Thanks for coming South to lead us.

  2. Sorry to miss the Hutton debut at SOT. Looks like solid work. Thanks for coming over to SOJ and don’t be a stranger to these parts.

    Great job!

    Til next time.


  3. Döner Kebab on

    Glad to make it out. Good work EFH! Still can’t believe what Fudd is capable of producing.
    I’m interested in F3RVA Fantasy Football.

  4. Looks like a great beatdown! Sorry to miss it, EF, I tried to get up early enough to make it to the NC border with you but it was just too early. I got a run in on my own instead, but this definitely looks like it was more fun.

  5. Nice work EF. I had planned to go then I worked on some sales stuff until about midnight. Sorry to miss!

  6. I love that there’s now a SOJ takeover week, but am highly amused that no one is willing to drive all the way to Green Acres so it is the only spot left open.