Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

EMOM Day at Circus


Three of the faithful posted at Circus Maximus for kettlebells. After a brief, typical warm-up, we did the following four rounds of 8-minute EMOMs.

1st set (4 rounds):
lunge right leg, curl right arm, press right arm, side lunge right. repeat for 1 minute
standing row. repeat for 1 minute.

2nd set (4 rounds):
repeat above but with left

mosey to front of school
3rd set (4 rounds):
halo. repeat for 1 minute
diamond pushup on kettlebell

mosey to outside of circus maximus
4th set (4 rounds):
kb swings
goblet squat

end with push ups from 10 to 1 (wide, regular, diamond)

This was a not an easy morning at the circus, and YHC when home, crawled back in bed, and slept for several more hours. There was no room for mumble chatter

Great job, men.


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