Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Is this Heaven? No, it’s Iowa


A Terrific Ten took to the illuminated fields of Heartbreak Ridge on a cloudy 64 degree morning.

COP under the lights- SSH, Imperial Walkers, Don Qs, Flutterkicks, Merkins.

Touch a light post. 2 at a time, Burpee at each light, increasing each one up to 8. Mary in between each round of 2.

Mosey to front of school for Lindsays. Derkins and Box Jumps. Increments of 5 from 30/10 to 10/30.

Mosey to Donkey Kick Wall for more Lindsays. Donkey Kicks and Mtn Climbers. After DKs Polar bear 5 times out for Mtn Climbers.  Back to baseball field for mary- Heels 2 Heaven, WWII situps, Alabama Prom Dates, ten finish with RoF.

Back to flag, YHC took us out.

NMS- YHC was prepared for low numbers and rainy conditions when the alarm sounded at 5:00. Instead we had 10 strong, no rain, and the baseball field lights shining bright as you drove in to the AO.

The PAX took advantage of the lights during the COP. Maybe the form police turned them on to observe from the trees.

Good to have Cake from Roanoke out. And it sounds like RVA will be seeing more of him as he will be in town a lot this summer. He put in solid work and represented the Star City well. You had many AO choices this morning, you choose wisely and are welcome back to Heartbreak Ridge any time.

YHC’s legs were still sore from Gumbo’s Box Jump ladder at Dogpile so why not do Lindsay box jumps, the Pax agreed. You know the PAX is smoked when Derkins are the easy part. Ronnie almost successfully flipped over the stone bench on his box jumps, which made YHC glad he did the initial disclaimer. Can’t have lawyers getting hurt in the gloom though.

The PAX finally got to break in the DKW. Some pax asked why pass up all the school walls to head over to that stand alone wall. We found out as the DKW is painted making Donkey Kicks much harder. Offshore appreciated the 45 WWII situps to make a small dent in the monthly challenge.

Loose Goose used up his 1 Gosling pass this morning and hopefully will be back next week.

YHC discovered after the beatdown that Malpractice, Seymour, and Garbage plate need site logins to get it on backblasts ( and start Q’ing) as they are Heartbreak Ridge regulars.

Lastly this new AO requires a lot of fence jumping, a truly functional skill. For those PAX who plan on hijinks and/or tomfoolery this upcoming summer it is a great place to practice your craft.

Silent Assassin signing off.



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  1. HoneyDo, didn’t you get the memo? Only one Field of Dreams reference in a BB title per week!!

    Great job everyone! Those Lindsays are rough!! 😉

  2. Straight up, I read this and said aloud “Holy hell, F that!” Heck of a beat down, and I am sorry for those that posted.

    PS text F3RVA to 97000 for new sign ups…it is still in operation!

  3. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Very well done Q and BB – love it !
    Heartreak Ridge is kicking butt!
    See y’all in the gloom..