Four strong Batteau regulars allowed for a guest Q on a cool but humid Monday morning. The PAX convened, dodged a few raindrops then went along our merry way. Mosey to the bottom of the bowl for a beatdown that went something like this:
Arm circles (10 small, 5 large). Forward and backward.
Copperhead Squats
Hug and Loves
The Thang
Mosey back up the north side of the bowl to the lone tree on the west end of the string of 6 trees. Start a progressive tree line. Run to the first tree and complete merkins. Run back to the lone tree, then run to the second tree for squats, stopping at the first tree for more merkins. Run back to the lone tree then run to the third tree for dry docks, stopping at the first tree for merkins and the second tree for squats. See how this works? Exercises were merkins, squats, dry docks, lunges, burpees, monkey humpers. Progress through all 6 trees.
Slow saunter down to the bottom of the bowl and face towards Forest Hill for a progressive variation of touch a tree. From the bottom of the hill, run up and touch a tree. Run back to the bottom for 20 dips. Second iteration, run up and touch the same tree, this time complete 10 merkins at the first tree then run back down to the bottom. Run up and touch a second tree then run to the bottom for 20 more dips. Third iteration, run up to the first tree for 10 merkins, back down then up to the second tree for 10 WWII, back down then up to a third tree and back down for 20 dips. See how this works? We completed 4 rounds/trees with merkins, WWII, monkey humpers, burpees.
One foot in front of the other up the hill to the miniature playground with an obscene amount of mulch. Quick station work with 5 pull ups, WWII and derkins with feet up on the swing.
Jog to the last tennis court for mary. 25x LBCs, American Hammer, Flutter Kicks, Freddy Mercuries.
Back to the shovel flag for COT.
YHC was thankful for the opportunity to lead at Batteau today. Being not extremely familiar with the AO, YHC stayed relatively close to home. The progressive tree line was awesome, except that the run back to the lone tree was slightly uphill. BT loves to hump the monkey.
The progressive theme for the day was unplanned until we reached the touch a tree section. Everyone pursued the tree the furthest up the hill, expecting the rule that you can’t touch the same tree twice. Why not touch that tree every damn time? EF Hutton thought he was getting off easy.
Who would have thought that the playground could be so diabolical? Swirly called it correctly stating “you know derkins suck when you look forward to pull-ups”. Way to power through it boys.
Mary was a refreshing end to the workout where everyone loves to do the hammer, especially Bleeder. I bet he has some parachute pants he could pull out for an upcoming workout. The imprint of the punisher on the tennis court after mary was a reminder of how far we pushed ourselves today.
The progressiveness of the workout was keenly demonstrated when YHC invited the PAX to go out in the world and be better wives. Apologies, not that there is anything wrong with that.
Charlottesville is on and it was great. See Saab to help out this weekend.
Convergence Memorial Day. No regular Monday workouts.
Thankful as always to lead. Everyone go out in the world and be the best wife you can be.
M Splinter out.
“One foot in front of the other up the hill to the miniature playground with an obscene amount of mulch.”
This line makes me happy.
Glad I could make you happy. My day is already complete knowing I made Lab Rat smile today.
This was a heck of a beatdown – – great to see Splinter @ Batteau – way to push this morning fell’as – good way to start the week..
See you dudes in the gloom…
Way to be a good wife Splinter…
Holy Progressive, that made me sweat just reading it. Nice work men. Splinter – be sure to give a brother a heads up before you return SOJ next time with the Q in hand. I’ll go NOJ — you know checks and balances. Well done.
The gradual incline back to start on the progressive 6 was an unexpected tester. Good way to start the day, Splinter. You are my second favorite wife;)
Deal. NOJ could use a little gumbo love.