Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Conspiracy’s Erotica Zone


11 posted at Heartbreak Ridge for a little fun in the sun.  Here’s how it went down:

Mosey around track and circle up for warmup COP: Hillbillies, SSH, Strict form merkins (more on this later), Imperial Walkers

Mosey around track to bleachers.  10 single leg hip raises L, 10 decline merkins, 10 single leg hip raises R, 10 merkins, 10 Bulgarian Lunges ea. leg, 10 close grip merkins

800m mosey

Back to bleachers:  10 single leg hip raises L, 10 decline merkins, 10 single leg hip raises R, 10 merkins, 10 Bulgarian Lunges ea. leg, 10 close grip merkins

400m mosey

50m strict form lunges, break for merkins at the 50, 50m lunges, 6 strict form burpees in cadence, mosey to the opposite side of the track, 50m strict form lunges, break for merkins at the 50, 50m lunges

Mosey to Mother Goose’s favorite hill and execute sprints up the hill till time to head back to the flag (Attila thinks we got in 10).


NMM:  Without getting too political about this, there has been some discussion about keeping good form throughout the multitude of exercises that find their way into our workouts.  Now, some exercises can/should be done with solid form, but YHC defies anyone to show good form in something like a Richard Kimble (looking at you Honey Do).  For this reason, we stuck to some very basic exercises, kept low reps (never more than 10 merkins) and maintained a slower cadence.  The PAX was most certainly tired of hearing YHC count.., among other things.  The six count burpees and methodical lunges received lots of comments.  The sprints up the hill received no comments.

Throughout all of this, Conspiracy was fist pumping, applauding, and possibly didn’t correct anyone’s form throughout the entire workout.  During the lunge parade, he actually accused YHC of trying to get to his “erotica zone.”  Most of the PAX was instantly confused by this as erotica refers to art or other material designed to arouse sexual desire.  The fact that our very own form doctor doesn’t know the difference between erotica and erogenous should make everyone question exactly where he received his Form Doctorate.  We may need to actually see the diploma.


  • Charlottesville starts this weekend.  See Lab Rat
  • Love Seat wants everyone to come play with wood.  I happily don’t have details on this.
  • Congrats again to Loose Goose on the new addition to his flock.  The Loose one and Mother Goose could benefit from some meals, and hopefully someone can post a link to that site in the comments.

Stay Classy,



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  1. Friggin’ solid work, I love the idea behind this.

    Also, I have been driving around for 2 weeks with a check for Toga. How far must I travel to pay a man? I am unwilling to use a stamp, as that cuts in to profits.

  2. Loose Goose on

    Excellent Q, Toga! I’m sore already and it “hurts so good”. I can’t believe I wasn’t able to name the originator of that song… none other than John Cougar/John Mellancamp/John Cougar Mellancamp

    But seriously, this workout should get consideration for workout of the week. It wasn’t fancy/dreamy with a theme, but it was solid with intentional reps with breaks (mosey) in between to let us recover for the next round.

  3. Every time Conspiracy mentioned his Erotica zone, I threw up in my mouth a little. Toga, that workout will put the form Police out of business… only wish Helix was there to share in the perfect form Love fest. Fast or slow, that is a long way to do lunges… feeling it… maybe I should consult the Lockjaw training manual on when my Taper begins for my Sprint Tri this Sunday.