4 arrived at the AO; 1 by Foot, 1 by SUV, and 2 by German cars, all participating in a Hot Potato Q, Ready or not this is how it went down, more or less.
Mosey to COP
20x SSH
10X Merkin
20X Imperial Walkers
2 -14x Helicopters
20X Don Quixote
20X Arm Circles
Mosey down the Steps
3-10X Dips
3-10X Durkins
Mosey to the Hill
Pair up
Run while other parter Lunges, Walk out Merkins, Board Jump Burpee to the top on hill alternating to the top.
At the Parking lot,
Run to the Other Picnic Shelter
Dirty McDeuce between Shelters
12x Merkins, 24x LBC. 36 WW2 situps.
Mosey Back to Flag Area
Jane Fonda workout
Mosey to Tennis court
From the net,2X Crawl Bear to Fence, 20X Donkey Kicks Bear Crawl back to net.
Mosey back to Flag
COT, Flipper took us out
Swirly and YHC were first to arrive at the AO, and at 0530, YHC and Swirly were still the only two people at the AO, Swiper arrived just as the SSH were commencing, Flipper was not too far behind him.
As the PAX rolled through our pain and torment this morning, YHC could not remember Swiper’s name, to the point when YHC handed the Hot Potato off to him, YHC had to ask his F3 name; at which point YHC said, “it’s all yours,” at which point Swiper continued to tell me his real name, and the remains of his life story; YHC had to be slightly more clear. “The PAX is now going to do whatever you tell us to do.” Swiper made the decision to run back towards the Flag, so he had time to contemplate what brutal exercises he could inflict on THE PAX. Lock Jaw, Swiper may need a lesson from you on how to count.
As the PAX wrapped up after an excellent take out from Flipper, Swiper was sharing a story of how he was much more of a runner, which was clearly demonstrated during the Dirty McDeuce, Swiper’s wife had commented that his arm wrestling ability was much better now that part of his workout regime included upper body exercises; keep getting after it Swiper.
Bleeder Out.
Nice work today Gents!
Great BB – Bleeder … Enjoyed the Hot Potato fella’s !
See y’all in the gloom..
I love a Q virgin getting tossed the potato! Let’s see whatcha got….
Nice padding of the big data today, pax.