ONE undaunted Pax answered the Sunday morning call to arms (and legs) on the semi-annual “race weekend” in Richmond. By race, YHC refers not to NASCAR, but to Ragnar and the Colonial 70. YHC hopes all went well on the roads and trails.
But, YHC digresses.
YHC was late leaving the Fartsack this morning, and true to form, intended to run every light from Three Chopt to Cary to the Great Wall. To YHC’s intense disappointment, there must have been a Richmond police officer at each intersection (apparently assisting in setting up for a road race!). Luckily, the traffic light genies had also jumped from their Fartsacks, so YHC made it to the Pump House in record time…just in time, in fact, to find NO ONE. Ok, there were three non-descript Caucasian males age 30-50 in running garb, FNsU, LNsU, F3NsU. YHC thought to himself,”I have not posted often on Sundays the past few weeks, but is it possible everyone is new since March?” Negative. These guys started running at 6:58. No F3 Q would foot-fault by starting early – F3 trains run on-time. So, YHC waited 2 minutes, and headed East. One step. YHC then turned 180 degrees, paused, considered bailing, then turned 180 degrees again. What the heck? Just do it.
The Thang:
YHC ran downtown and back on the North Bank trail.
UpChuck out.
Nice work there Upchuck. Thanks for keeping the Sunday Trail Run alive.
Nice work dude. I’ll be back out on the trails soon
Glad you posted and kept the tail run alive. Way to step up!
There was no way that lab rat was going to make it more than a couple miles today.
Solid work Upchuck! True you vs. you.
Nice job, Upchuck!!