Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Four Horsemen


Four tried and true Batteau OGs carried themselves into the gloom for a Monday morning workout.

Mosey to bottom of stairs – warm up – 20 SSH, 10 box jumps OYO, 10 Don Q, 20 slow bending squats

Mosey down to lake. Lap 1 – Indian run, runner is the Q and chooses when to sprint to front. Several Qs called for 10 count merkins along the way.

Lap 2 – merkin ladder up to 10 at light posts, no man left behind.

Mosey up back stairs.

Lindsays – dips and squats, run up and down stone stairs when finished.

Mosey up near tennis courts. Partner up for leg throws, three sets of 20

1,2,3s at pull up bars. 1 pull up, 2 burpees, 3 WWII, then 2 pull ups, 4 burpees, 8 WWII, etc up to 5 pull ups.

5 MOM – Q around the circle – leg lifts, Helga, Freddies, plank dips.

mosey back to flag.


great job today guys. Thought the numbers might be low due to the weather on a Monday, YHC was happy to see ol’ trusty Swirly kicking around the AO as usual so it wouldn’t be a solo job. Good way to start the week, nothing too flashy, just get the blood flowing after the weekend.

Congrats to the Blue Ridge runners, way to go. Sounds like quite the course. YHC also ran a half on Saturday, half a 10K. It was glorious.



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  1. Wedding Singer on

    Looks like we have a few more wet mornings ahead, we’ve been quite fortunate thus far in 2017.

  2. Singer, solid Q brotha. 123s are no joke. Thanks for kickstarting the morning. The seductive lure of the fartsack held me even tighter with the rain and cooler temps at O dark thirty. I’m glad I chose freedom.

  3. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Good Q Singer ! Excellent way to start the week ! Well done fella’s.
    See y’all in the gloom!

  4. Had to post something…I mean we are the four horsemen… can’t let it be the three horseman and the d$&;k who didn’t tell Singer he did a good job. Great Q Singer