24 warriors including 2 FNGs rose to greet the dawn of a new day. It went a little something like this.
COP: SSH, IW, LBC, FM X 20 Merkin X 10
Wheelbarrow Extraordinaire – Length of field each partner completes 20 paces then 20 LBC.
10 Merkin IC
Laura (Lindsey’s Dirty Sister) – 10 pullups 2 burpee, 8 pullups 4 burpee, 6 pullups 6 burpee, 4 pullups 8 burpee, 2 pullup 10 burpee
Triple Check – Run, 6 Inches, Rusty Cage Hang
20 WWII situp IC
5 Minutes Of Fury – Run up hill 5 merkins, back down hill, 5 squats. AMRAP 5 minutes
American Hammer IC X 20
Ascending Dips in Amphitheater 1 – 18
Bear Crawl across circle, 20 WWII situps, bear crawl back.
Helga (Rosalitas + Heels to Heaven) X 20 IC
Merkin X 10 IC
Mosey back to the flag, numberama, namerama and Wilson took us out.
Moleskin: This was the first Dogpile Q for YHC in a few months. This is a privilege of the highest honor. YHC was able to hear conversations today ranging from events to celebrate, to some of life’s more challenging times. Everyone is good at life when it’s easy. YHC is far more interested in how you respond when you’ve been challenged. F3 presents an excellent opportunity for clarity and community. Just as important is willingly do hard work. Early is hard. Burpees are hard. Working out in the rain is hard. Telling some one else good job when you are out of breath is hard. It’s a pretty good day when you can see the best of people in adverse circumstances. If that isn’t super, then I don’t know what is.
Events: Wilson will be hosting John Daly at an upcoming event, please see him for details.
See Spit for the Ash Creek 5K
Breaking Bread see Lab Rat
Be super,
Men, well done today. We covered a ton of ground and you should all be very proud. The title for today’s BB is from a conversation at ETs with Upchuck. Have a great weekend!
Hardywood, your MEAN MEAN STRIDE is infectious. Thanks!
Great work everyone! That was a smoker!!
Solid Q! Constant movement with little time for rest leaves BT feeling whipped. Well done, Hardywood!
Great beatdown Hardywood!! I’m feeling that one this morning.
Everything hurts. Nice job Hardywood! It’s good to be back.
Terrific beatdown as usual Hardwood. Great to also have Aisle 5 back in the mix. Stay with it buddy!
Great beat down. I felt it for sure!
Sounds wicked, well done!
Kotters to Aisle 5 (about damn time)!
Welcome to Uncle Jesse and Gomer.
Good to see Aisle 5 back. Just in time for BRR training.
Great beatdown, nice tempo to push us! Great to see Aisle 5 back too.
I was going to do the trail run this morning until I woke up and couldn’t move a muscle without major pain. A Hardywood AO after 6 month hiatus = hopefully able to move normally again by Wednesday.
Nice beatdown, Hardywood. Anytime I feel the soreness coming by 3 p.m. the day of the workout, it was a doozy.
Saab and I came to the same conclusion. Ease on back in, we’ll be here.
I am still sore today very typical of a Hardywood Q, thanks for leading great to see some old faces out on the field.