Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Hard Rock Cafe


Three amigos rose to greet the dawn of a new day.  It went a little something like this.

COP: SSH, Imperial Walker, LBC, FM, Merkin X 20

Easy As123: The exercises in order: pull-ups, burpees, WWII situps.  5 Rounds total.  Reps per round 5 10 15, 4 8 12, 3 6 9, 2 4 6, 1 2 3

Triple Check: Runner, flutter kicks, jump squats.  To make this a little more fun the runner carried a  ran down the hill and back up.  Fun times.

Rock N Roll, The Hard Way: Each man grabs a rock.  Starting at the top of the park, follow the service road down to the pond, go around the pond and all the way up the Hill of Ill Repute. Approximately 1.5 miles.  This run is to be completed while carrying a rock.  At each lamp post perform one of the following; merkin, squat, overhead press.  The first quarter of the run reps were to 10.  2nd quarter to 8. 3 quarter to 6. 4th quarter to 5.

Ring of Fire – Strict WWII situps, Helga X 20.

COT – Namerama, numberama, Swirly lead us out.

Notes:  Helga is the name of Rosalitas dirty sister.  The Helga is a combination of Rosalita and Heels to Heaven.

News: Flashdance is leading HHDH this month, see him for details.

Get a shirt and karma for $25 at the Earth Day 5K.



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  1. I’ve often preferred to watch the movie instead of reading the book, so based on the “movie” backblast, I gather that Swirly tickled the ivory for 45 minutes while Wedding Singer and Hardywood put on a nifty dance routine for the natives…well done boys!

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Love me some three amigos …Not a big fan of hard rock cafe…
    Great beatdown Hardywood – feeling it dude…
    Way to work guys – great way to start the week..
    See y’all in the gloom