Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Which way to the Football stadium?


A nifty nine negated the fartsack on a beautiful Good Friday morning for the second iteration of the newly minted Twin Team. Mr Roper emerged from his self imposed winter Hibernation with an FNG in tow as we got to it:

COP –  SSH, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Don Qs, Plank 1m


Mosey to parking lot.  Run 4 corners – Sideways & backwards, repeato.

Mosey to front of JRHS, grab a pole-  Donkey Kicks & PLTs with bear crawl in between.  Start at 10 of each, go up by 10 up to 40.  Plank 1 min.

Mosey up to Tennis courts for Triple check (shoulders shredder style)  Wheelbarrow from baseline to net, partner does 15 shoulder presses.  Other partner does Merkins until partners back.  Plank 1 min

Indian Run back to Flag, 5 Burpees along the way, for some Mary – APDs, Heels2Heaven, Monkey Humpers. Finish with ROF. Gumbo took us out.

NMS:  Great to see 9 strong at Twin Team this morning.  YHC was pleased to see Spit arrive early after making the drive from DaVille. He said the 35 drive was worth it to make sure he got a good beatdown instead of 45 min of Duck Duck bear at The Creek.  McRib, true to form, pulled in at 5:30 on the dot.

Mumblechatter this AM revolved around the Bridge of Hate from Fudd’s 45Mom yesterday and the onset of PTSD of those who were there to experience it.  Trying to explain it to the PAX who were not there proved to be difficult.  The BoH, just like El Guapo, has become infamous after only one day.  Only time will tell when it may appear again.

YHC had plans of making it to the football stadium this morning but then remembered the pillars and wall from last time at the AO.  Honeymoon remarked the 1 yard of Bear Crawl between the PLTs and Donkey kicks was still too much.

On the mosey to the tennis courts we learned that McRib is not much of a rapper, stick to guitar and grunge songs.  Once at the courts Honeymoon put a strong EH on a guy at the school.  Gotta love the flying mid-beatdown EH.  The Tennis court Triple check proved to be a hit for the pax based on mumblechatter.

Strong work by FNG Pee Wee this morning, as well as Mr Roper.  Rosie, Gumbo, Mr Roper, and YHC grabbed coffee at Starbucks afterwards as we had no kids to get on the bus.  There YHC questioned his Dogpile Q idea tomorrow when brought up to the others there, especially considering all 3 will not be there. On the way home YHC got to listen to F3RVA’s own Marv on the morning radio show on 910.

It is great to have a SOJ Friday beatdown now and Twin Team is a great AO.  Pleasure to lead on this Good Friday morning.

 Announcements – 2.0 Friendly Gridiron tomorrow am at 7:00.  RSVP to Jville or on comments here if haven’t already.  YHC did the Christmas one at Gridiron and can guarantee your 2.0s will love it.  F3 Cville – need emails of Sad Clowns there.  AshCreek 5k on 5/20.






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  1. Thanks for coming SOJ and delivering a solid beatdown HoneyDo. First my legs were screaming from the DKs and Partner(less) Leg Tosses, then my shoulders were destroyed by the Triple Check. Nice work.

    Great to be able to get in some weekday coffeeteria with you, Rosie and Mr. Roper. The Fellowship is indeed the glue that keeps us all coming back.

    Great work this morning gents. Welcome PeeWee – hope to see you back out soon.

  2. Great beatdown HoneyDo! It was either donkeys or smurfs this morning. Not sure which would have been better.

    Thanks for the SOJ PAX for the warm welcome this morning! Def will have to make a trip again soon with a Mechanicsville Clowncar!

    Welcome PeeWee!

  3. Glad you made the drive. And who knew you could have a Smurf themed beatdown. Bonus points on creativity.

  4. Thanks for coming SOJ to lead Hondeydo, happy to get a Honeydo Q in, even if it isn’t the big you have planned for tomorrow. I’m not sure what it is but I think my banana mushroom muscle is sore.
    Welcome PeeWee.