Under a nearly full moon, a strong seven posted for The Punisher, including three 2.0s impressively disregarding the promise of relaxing into this week’s Spring Break.
We completed a short mosey and formed a circle in the tall grass near the A.P. Hill monument and completed 25 SSHs, 25 Don Quixotes, 25 Imperial Walkers, and 15 Arm Circles (forward and back, big and small) followed by a Ring of Fire-style round robin count to 60 while in Elbow Plank position.
Move to the outdoor pavilion for Lindsays starting with 30 Squats and 10 Box Cutters. Prior to the next round, we made a loop around the planter boxes starting with a Bear Crawl, making a turn with a Lunge Walk, completing another turn with a Crab Walk, and a jog back to the pavilion. Continue through the Lindsay rounds with a rinse and repeat of the loop.
Mosey to the playground for 5 Pullups, 20 Merkins, and 25 LBCs. Again rinse and repeat for a total of three rounds.
Jog to the front of the school for a Wall Medley starting with 10 Perp Squats (squats with hands on the wall), 10 Wall Planks (start in Plank and walk with hands up and down the wall), 10 Inverted Merkins, 10 Donkey Kicks, and assume People’s Chair until all are done. Complete another two rounds, reducing the reps to 9 then 8.
Circle up for 1 more minute of Plank, Ring of Fire-style and a quick round of stretches, then return to the ShovelFlag.
Announcements –
Easter Weekend Special Q at GridIron with Ms and 2.0s invited. Let Earthworm and Johnsonville know you are coming with your families – need a count.
Moleskin –
Glad to see Ronnie’s and Lockjaw’s 2.0s at this workout. We know it is good to see our core PAX, but the 2.0s bring a different energy. Welcome to Howler and Jaws.
Not sure how many times the men were lapped by the boys in our loops around the planter boxes. Ronnie pointed out the freakishly fast crab walk these young guys were doing – horror-movie like creepy fast.
1 Comment
Looks like a lot of fun. Good job!