Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

3 big loops


Four posted for the beginning of the Wednesday hill run

The Thang

3 loops on the extended hillcrest loop.  Just under 5 miles


Swirly was back at the Wednesday hill run.  Good to see him back out there today. He was a good boy and took it easy on the hills.  Its hard for a man like Swirly to give anything less than 150%.  But sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.  Hopefully Swirly can someday see that.  Maybe, maybe not.

Jville and Honeydo were back out on the hills and setting the pace today.  Honeydo had to get home quick so left a little bit early.  The Q consulted with corporate to see if someone posted to a workout, but did not stick around for the COT if that counted as a post for Big Data.  Corporate said yes.




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  1. Honey Do RVA on

    Glad to be back out. The new longer 1.25 mile route is a good change of pace. No shortage of additional hills.